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Ink's Perspective


I sat in Error's lap, Sketching an apple on my sketchbook

We all were sat under the tree on Nightmare and his gang's usual spot.

No problem here.

Error moved around and i felt his hands wrap around my waist which made me blush, "I-Is something wrong, Error?" I asked him and he placed his face on my shoulder sighing leaving himself like that.

"Just wondering." He said with his face mushed "Do y-y-you have plans for th...The rest of the year? Like after school. Are you going to collage or what?"

I chuckled "And why exactly are you asking me this?" I grinned saying. "Simple question."

"Hm. If i were to ever NOT go to collage, I'd probably move in with you, ya know?" The response i gave him made him hug me tighter "Yaaay." He laid back dragging me with him to the floor which made me drop my sketchbook.

I giggled and Error held me on spot.

"How bout you, Error?"

"I'd do whatever you'd like, Skittles."

"Booo. Go get a place to settle in you two." The both of us sat up to see everyone, Staring at us.

I blushed pointing to him "Are you just jealous you don't get any lovely time with Cross?" I managed to retort

That made him blush a bit before he chuckled looking back at me "Oh please, I'd do whatever i want with Cross~ At any moment, Any other reasons, And any other way~"

"I-Im not exactly property... But i guess that it could do if it's Nightmare...!" Cross said from behind Nightmare before sitting next to him smiling.

I heard Error snort behind me before someone spoke up "Too much lovey dovey stuff. Make a different topic." Killer spoke up, Making Nightmare stare at him intently.

Uh, Did he do something...?

"You knocked up someone already, So maybe keep quiet before i pierce your tongue"

That made both Error and Cross burst out laughing while i stared there with a poker face.

I don't get it.

Dream in the hand, Was blushing for whatever reasons.

What does knock up mean in a term to people in relationships i wonder...

"That's unnecessary, B-Brother..." Dream mumbled blushing and shook his head to get his focus back up.

"Where is Dust and Blue anyway?" I asked, Making Dream and Cross perk up raising their arms about to answer ''The both of them are inside, Probably in the hallways/ Math classroom'' Dream and Cross both said, Before i chuckled ''Oh thank you, you two.'' I said laid back on Error's chest. 

o wait my sketchpad---

. . . 

Blue's perspective

. . .

''You mean clouds arent really cotton...?'' I asked looking up at him, A saddened expression on me that made Dust laugh ''Seriously thought they were? So childish of you!'' He started to pat my head and i stood there accepting it with a purr.

''Hey.'' Dust stopped and we both looked to who said it, 

It was Fell.

Dust stood in front of me, Looking intently at him as the other stood in front of him ''What the fuck do you want now?'' He said as i was behind him feeling the aura Dust had. 

A bit threatening, If you asked me..

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