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Im back with another one :P


''My name is Cross''

He looked like your average Honor student and serious main characters you see in video games..

''Okay then you can take a seat there''The teacher pointed RIGHT next to my dang seat 'How convenient'

'Cross' Walked over to the seat right next to me and sat down moving around as the teacher started to discuss things 

he was fiddling with something under his seat..

i looked under without him noticing me and saw a red knife..and looked instantly back up when i saw it

''Hey''He c a l l e d 

fuckfuck why would he call me ''Yes?''

''So im pretty new here..Mind giving me a tour--Person i do not know''

''Its Ink..Im also new here but i know most of the school''

''Well Ink!Looks like we are gonna be seatmates for awhile~''

What is this bullshit i have walked into 

. . .

Class ended like usual and nothing seemed unusual

i was about to walk out the classroom when my arm got held ''Ink.''

wow i forgot about him ''Arent you supposed too..''

''Yes yes i was checking if you were outside!''i was freaking out right now ''...Sure'' he started following me around 

. . .

''So this is the randomly large field..''He studied the place really amused ''Why is it this huge?I didnt even see any PE lessons''

''No idea''I replied looking around the place

I have not seen Dream or Blue anywhere...Maybe theyre out looking for me?

''Well uh thats all i can show!I gotta go find some friends of mine''I walked away but felt another tug on my hand ''Let me go with you''

''What why?''

''I need to know the school more''He said 'wow hes desperate for attention'

I just nodded with him following me EVERYWHERE i go

School Years (Sanscest Book) | OLDWhere stories live. Discover now