I guess so

413 16 19

Play music if possible and head to 0:18 for the good part and i guess start reading? , Its pretty long but you should be halfway til the chapter ends and you can stop playing the music til then or use the music to sleep like i do.



''So uh...I heard from the news that a storm is here right now--''

then a lightning struck somewhere and Cross hopped closer to me hugging me tighter in the process ''So all classes are canceled for the weekend,Im just gonna leave you guys here for now..'' Dream said walking out my door and i sighed lying back down

I looked at cross and smiled hugging him 

Why do i enjoy this,holy shit man..I grabbed my phone and looked at the group chat,Looks like Horror,Killer and Dust are having a chat

Seen by Dust , N&M , Horror

Horror : Morning you lazy fuck

Killer : Too early for cursing you dumbstick

Dust : Watch out for profanity

N&M : No school today apperantly

Horror : The fucking wind blew my new plant pot away fuck

Killer : I guess so, Storms pretty harsh today

N&M : Back to sleep for me, Also guys

N&M Sent a pic

Horror , Killer , Dust are typing...

I took a picture of me with my tongue out and with Cross on me lolz


. . .


I smashed my palm on the button of my alarm and looked at the time,8 in the morning

And its still raining and it seems like Cross went down 

I stood up and went to the shower to take a bath of course.

After that i wore a new pair of boxers and was wiping my hair while looking around for my shorts and shirt

''Hey Nightmare your brother is calli--''

It was Cross who was invading my privacy again, He looked away and blushed ''Dream is calling you downstairs..Get dressed!''

He yelled closing the door and i heard footsteps fading away going downstairs later on 

''Oh hey there you are you two little shits cmere..'' I said looking inside one of my drawers

. . .


''There you are! Cross prepared the breakfast!'' My brother yelled at me and i smacked him in the forehead not hard but enough to make him say 'Ow'

''You know little but to let the guest serve the food''

''He insisted!''

Then another thunder crack echoed throughout the place and i heard someone run towards me and tackle me to the floor hugging me ''Stay near me please''Cross,Again was the one who said so hugging me tighter

''Cant breath you idiot!''

''Sorry!''He loosened but did not LET GO ''Your afraid of thunder? Usually he gets scared but i didnt expect you to be scared! Look at this shit you have a thunder mark on your cheek''

He pouted standing up dragging me to the table as i smelled the scent around the place with Dream following chuckling silently

Good fuckin smeeelllss everywhere.. 

I looked at the plate as i sat down and saw Sunny side eggs and bacon.


''Om nom nom nom''

Cross smiled enthustically chuckling in the process putting a chair right next to me pulling his phone out 

''Do you want to hear a kind of scary story?'' I said to him grabbing my brothers attention aswell ''Sure''Cross said and Dream said he wanted to hear it too

''So a man thought of playing this game that no one played anymore,He was the only one playing at the moment and he was so fixated on the game he had been playing til night and that during it a math question appeared''

''It said 4+3 and he didnt answer it instead he quit the game and went outside to do some chores for the house he was living in''

I continued,

''Night was there and he was walking down the empty street with only little street lights turned on at that time''

''Til at one point, He looked at the sidewalk and saw something that was written with chalk.. '4+3' It said and he ignored it''

Dream already had his hands covering his ears and his eyes closed

''Later on he noticed that he had been in the same spot from where he was at awhile ago and saw the math question again'..And...''

I screamed and they screamed too in the process and i laughed til i spat some food out

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