Odd nightmares (Part 3)

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"Psst, I got the answers if you want em." 

"Lemme have a look.

I took the paper from Error's hand and copied what was on it, I looked up and back down to make sure that the teacher wouldnt have caught us.

"Thanks." I gave his paper back with a smile, He nodded in return and looked back forward pushing his glasses back up while the teacher explained to the rest of the class on what to do with the questioneers.

This also got me noticing... Im sure that there was a quiz too the day before i got here. Is it a repeat? It was Killer who gave me the answers...

Pfft, It probably swapped the two of them because of their tears. Identical.

All of us passed our papers and the bell ringed, Signalling that we all can leave.

Cross and Error stood up and I did so after a minute following them afterwards. I wonder what the infamous Stars would look like. I've seen Dream, Though not Ink nor Blueberry.

I realised that it was already recess, Meaning that we all have spare time to do anything we wanted. Which couldnt have been all bad if I wasnt trying to figure out how to get out here.

So a kid in blue hit me in the head... It couldnt have been Blueberry, Thats for sure. He wouldnt bring anything dangerous anywhere.


"Zoning out again." My head recieved a pet, Which made me feel comfortable yet unnerving. I looked up at him in return and just stared. His face made an uncomfortable smile "Is uh... Something going on?"

"Nothing much... Has Ink been acting off lately?" I asked and he shook his head in denial "Ink hasn't changed. Maybe its you that's been acting off. Its really got me worried." He responded and Error nodded in agreement "Ink's always been stubborn and quiet yet so open-minded and artistic."

I put my hand to my chin, He has a good point. I gotta start acting like the Nightmare they know.

What would i do and say if i were swapped...

"Eh, If its something like that i'm sure its nothing to be worried about. Thanks for your worries though, Glitch and Crossy

The both of them blushed, Error had his right eye perked up  "N-N-Nicknames... They make you feel off." He said and I chuckled. I might as well have fun with these two. Well i'm not so sure on what i can do with Error, If i were to say.

I jumped a bit and kissed both on one of their cheeks, They both vibrated harshly Before I and dragged them towards the cafeteria "Come on you bozos. We dont have all day!" 


We arrived at the canteen in hopes to finding the others, Which was a success. But im not so sure... 

''Well if it isnt the Meme squad. Suprising that you three could get here. How was class i wonder?'' Blue taunted grinning with cockiness. A trait from Error if i ever do so say myself back at my place. Dream and Ink stood by him silently.

And what the hell is a meme squad? 

Dream waved at me softly and i waved back.

I actually didnt notice that jacket of his. It looked like mine but was yellow.

Blue's appearance changed alot. His left eye looked destroyed. Like a glass pane that was shot in the middle by a gun, His pride didnt go away though, In addition they gave him more cockiness. Though his clothes didnt change, His height sure did.

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