Sakura leaf

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Woop woop.

Whole up weekends.

Also this book is coming up with 300 reads!

Thanks :p


I sat down with the rest of the gang and just pulled my phone out.

''Whats with the bad blood between those two?''Horror asked.

I dont even know whats up with these two,They keep fighting whenever they see each other.

''I have no idea,One moment Nightmare was talking to Cross,Next thing you know he goes up wanting to punch him.''Dust answered ''Wait a second..Wheres Error?'

''He went off with Ink.''

What the hell is up with him going off with Ink.

''yanno what,I bet that he likes Ink''I pointed towards Dust and Horror ''I bet he doesnt.''Dust replied. ''20 dollars if not and same the other way''We shook hand and agreed then i noticed something--Someone behind Horror.

''Whos what?''I asked Him ''Oh just an old Friend''He motioned the dude behind him as he revealed himself.

I examined him.

He had a sleeveless jacket,Purple on the sides and black on the middle.

Black jeans and shit,Purple hair.

Actually lets think about hair color.

Horror has black and red hair.

I got black of course.

Cross is white.

Killer is Red edged.

Dust is...Uhm Grey i guess.


Dream has yellow..

Ink is Green edged and yellow topped.

Blue is..Well Blue

''Well nice to meet you..Im Nightmare''i said that and he nodded.

I groaned and pulled out my lunch from my bag and started to eat.

Cross took a seat next to me and so did Killer ''What did i do now?'' 

They just pulled out their lunch from their bags and of course..Started to stare at each other like they should be having a knife fight.

But no. 

I looked at Cross's and Killer's Meal and adored it.

i always liked Grilled and tuna..

and i dont really hate my meal in any way.

But having those are better..

. . .

You know what.

''Hey Cross,Killer''

They looked at me ''Could you mind giving me some of your meals?i could sure use some''

The both of them didnt even complain--They just gave me half of their meals.

Wow this is a good advantage.

om nom nom nom

. . .

That was greaaatt....So fuckin full... 

''Did you like it Nightmare?''

''Yeah did you?''

Cross and Killer were staring at me 


i lied down on the grass and stared at the sakura leaves with the sunray going through the holes alot


. . .

i woke up.

i managed to take a nap.

for 45 minutes atleast

I yawned sitting up.

Cross and Killer were having their usual staring. 

i feel like they are mentally talking.

Horror,Dust,Lust were chatting.

and theres me who woke up

''Good nap Nightmare?''Cross asked,he must have seen me.

''Yeah..''i yawned again.

''Yo guys we got about 5 minutes til last classes''Horror yelled from his side of the place.

I stood up and gathered everything i have and motioned them to go to their classes.

I got classes with Ink and Error.

Now i can ask on what happend to him again.

I walked away with everyone following and seperating to go to their classes.

. . . 

I got to class and Found Ink and Error in the corner middle.

''Hey 4 eyes.''

Error looked at my direction annoyed ''F-Four eyEs!?''

i chucked taking a seat behind him. 

''Hey Painter.''

It seems like the nickname i gave him didnt bother him much. ''Hi''

and then the teacher came in.

''Where the hell were you Error? Didnt Horror message you where to meet?''

''He did not''Error said flinching ''So sad..''

. . . 

Class ended as usual and nothing much happend.

just so fucking boring.

atleast next class should be entertaining.

''Lets go Error.''I patted his back 

Next class is going to be interesting.

. . .

We left the classroom and headed towards the science room and found Killer on the way.

''Come on''

. . .

The science classroom was pretty huge.

I saw the rest of the group on the corner of the classroom and took a seat next to Cross 

then the Teacher came in 

''H-Hi class..''

Wow he already looks nervous

The class started to settle down and look at him.

He gulped for somereason and started to talk ''M-My name is Sci and i will be your teacher for this year..''

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