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I did this and DID not publish it.

blame me


Mom didnt let me out for the christmas party--

But there was new year!

''Your thinking again arent you?''

I looked up chuckling ''No Nightmare, Just wondering'' He chuckled too ''Whats the difference?''

And i forgot that Mom invited him and the others over and they accepted gladly.

Mom also prepared ALOT of food for everyone to enjoy.

Shes focused on Nightmare and Dream since they let me stay at their place becoz of the storm.

''Your mom seems to be doing everything, You sure you can leave tommorow?''

Oh yeah i forgot about this, Nightmare and the others are going off to some private resort or something.

Wonder how do they get these kind of stuff ''Yes i am sure, Is anyone else coming?''

He placed his head on my shoulder ''Basically everyone''




I jumped onto Nightmare and he laughed ''The sound is just like those thunderstorms!''

''Thats the fucking thing! I hate those!''

He pulled something out of his pocket and a firecracker stick came out of it with a match box ''No''


''Nightmare no!''

. . .

''Uh son?''

I opened my eyes and saw my Mom, It was already morning i guess.

''You passed out after new years, I dont know why but arent you supposed to go leave with your friends in an hour?''


Ink's perspective

. . .

Im suprised Nightmare even let me go with them.

We were in a bus, Near to the so called 'Private Resort'

an 4 hour ride..

The ride at the first hour was all fun and stuff but now..Its gone all silent..

Nightmare has his OWN Bus driver! What the hell..We all agree'd not to talk about why we get to go here.

A 20 seated bus for only 10 people.

Then the bus stopped ''Are we there yet?!'' 

''Yes Blue so could you stop saying that for the 124th time?!''

i looked behind and saw that he was smiling widely, Guess he really wanted to get out of this bus.

The bus stopped and I was the first one to walk out breathing in the fresh air ''Jesus that ride was so boring!'' I said stretching ''fREEEEEEDOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMM''

I got pushed forward and saw that Blue and Dream infront of me with their hands up.

''Wheres the pool!?''

''Hold up, We have to get our bags out so we wont have any problems later on''

I agreed as the others walked outside except one person.


He must have fallen into a deep sleep... 

I went back up into the Bus and saw Error with his hood up.


Cat ears~


I had jumped onto him kissing him as he kissed back before i stood back up smiling at him ''W-W-What was that for I-Ink?!''

''You fell asleep too long we're already here!''

''Fucking suprised me..'' He said and i chuckled before he followed me back out ''Jeez Ink, You could've been secluded about that whole scene'' Dream said smirking behind me after me and Error got out of the bus.

Error went over to help out with the bags leaving me with Dream.

''What do you mean Dream?'' I asked with an innocent tone ''Ugh dont start lying to me you litterally did it right next to a window! Be happy i didnt tell the others''

I laughed thanking him by giving him a small pack of oreos.

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