Ignited problems

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Horror's perspective

I woke up on my bed, It had been a week since that trip.

Has it really been a week?


I wonder how Lust is doing..

I grabbed my phone next to me and called him, He had declined the trip last week which made me worry.

I havent gotten a word from him yet.

The phone was next to my ear as i waited for an answer.

'Lust isnt here right now, Leave a message'

Thats what i heard from the phone "Hey Lust, Im going to your place. Dont matter if u say no cause ill be there no matter what" I placed my phone down then started to get dressed properly.


The door infront of me was locked and i headed to his house.

It was just 10 minutes from here, no big deal.

"Here ya go." I dropped a few coins inside a cup of some poor guy nearby Lust's house and arrived shortly after.


I tapped my fingers on the wall and no one answered.

"Oh sonny, The person who lives there is out right now." Someone from the house nextdoor said.

Did Lust get a job...?

I shook my head, If he did i would have heard it by now.

I pulled my phone out an called him again.



"Ah Lust! You answered!" I smiled "Y-Yeah... Do you need something?"

He sounds like hes busy.

"Did you get a new job or something?"

"Yeah i guess you could say that..."

I heard some shouting from the phone that wasnt from him "I gotta go Horror, Was nice talking to you."


I place the phone in my pocket before looking at his window.

I should sneak inside and wait for him to come home.


I jumped through the window and made myself at home sitting down on his couch.

Then i saw a letter on his door, Guess i couldnt see it from the outside.

I walked over and grabbed it, It aint bad to read a letter right?

'To the holder of this house, You are to pay your debt two weeks from now or we will take this house down, Good day.'

I flinched.

What debt?

I dont remember anything happening to Lust lately.


There seemed to be another letter on his table.

. . . .

No ones perspective
. . . .

Lust had arrived at his door, Exhausted.

He noticed the window open and panicked. "Did i get robbed..?"

He opened the door slightly to see the place more cleaner than usual.

Huh? I dont remember cleaning the house this week.

Lust walked inside looking at the floor to see a reflection from the wood.


"Hey Lust!" Horror had hugged him from behind which made Lust scream ever so slightly.

"H-Horror!" Lust had said looking behind him "Hmm... You smell wierd Lust. You sure you didnt do anything?"

That made the other panic. "W-What do you mean?" 

Horror held up a letter infront of him and frowned "Whats this job i hear... About lewdity?"

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