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Spy fiddled around in his seat. Looking through random notes and the books he had on wattpad.

It all seemed off, for him.

The books he had have been here for years and have not gotten an end, Yet people still read it.

He was grateful.

"Alright, Usually this... wouldn't be something i'd be doing, but hell. Books seemed to be doing good so far and i've noticed a lot of gaps in the story. Some parts were left unanswered" He started.

"That made me uneasy. The story wasn't so clear.

Then again, i made the books cause i was bored. A lot of my school moments had went into this book.

A lot too has been random scenarios in which i has been thinking off and had suddenly thought off.

Kind of a new year is this i wonder.

Been awhile since i've felt sympathy towards myself."

Spy fiddled around once again, before lying down on his bed.

"Anyways, I'll be putting this book on a remake, a lot of stuff will be added and changed. Saying this, The story will be more clearer and every other possible path in a certain part will be taken and seen.

Would be pretty cool, Right?

Could be.

Never was sure about my writing skills. But seeing as people have read this, It meant that my writing seems to have gotten a lot of people's attention. It had me feeling that something i did was good.

Alright so probably, The book will be changed into EVERY character back into a skeleton. A lot of the side characters will be given more screen time and eventually become a main character.

Saying this, Monsters and Humans shall co exist once more. Like every other school book on sanscest."

Spy flicked his finger up smiling before a button appeared infront of him.

"Well. Thanks for reading this book! See you on my new and other books."

His finger hovered the button anxiously. This could change stuff permanently. It actually will, if he recalls.

"Thank you all."


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