Sweet and Fluffy

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Sammy pulled his hands away from Y/N. "I'm not Sammy. I'm just a pathetic, stupid, inky thing that has made so many grave mistakes." Sammy said, burying his face in his hands. "But we can forgive you for those mistakes. We've all screwed up. Oh well. We learned our lesson." Y/N said, throwing away the mask. "I'm still Y/N even though I look different-" "Waaay different." Bendy interrupted. Y/N gave him a smile. "...and you're still Sammy, even though you look different. The look of someone doesn't change who they are." Y/N said. Sammy looked up. "You make a... good point, Little Sheep." Sammy admitted. Y/N smiled and gave him a hug. "So, no one's going to say anything about Sammy calling Y/N hot?" Henry asked. "CAN IT, HENRY!" Sammy yelled. Y/N giggled. Henry set Bendy down. "Alright, so I have to go-" "WHAT?!" Bendy screamed. "YA CAN'T JUST GO!!" "I'm really sorry, everyone. But I need to be in contact with my family, and-" "But aren't we your family?" Bendy asked. Henry sighed. "The exit's that way. I'll show you." Alice said. She gestured for Henry to follow her. "Alrighty, so, I'll be going." Y/N gave Henry a quick hug. "You know, you were always like a daughter to me." Henry said. "Even though Joey made me. Wait, Joey DREW me! It was right there." Y/N said. Henry chuckled a little. Bendy started to cry as Henry walked away and followed Alice. "DON'T YA DARE LEAVE!!!" Bendy screeched. Y/N picked him up. "Shh. Calm down. He'll be back for a visit." "B-But-" "I think that you need some rest. Thirty years as a demon would probably make you sleepy." Y/N said. "Okay... Sounds... Sounds good." Bendy said as he began to fall asleep. Y/N grabbed her old sweater and wrapped him in it. She then handed the bundle to Boris. "Goodnight, little Peek." Y/N said. She walked back over to Sammy, who had picked up the mask off the floor and put it on the top of his head, like a hat. "You aren't going to put that over your face, right?" Y/N asked. "No. I'll put it over my face for combat, if I even need to get in combat." "Good. So, now what?" They stood there in silence. "Race you to the Music Department?" Sammy suggested. "It is on!" "No shortcuts." Sammy said, implying that she couldn't morph through walls. "Whatever you say." "Alright, go!" Y/N morphed through the floor as soon as Sammy ran up the stairs. She went through the ink pipes until she reached the pipe in front of Sammy's office. She then walked in front of the Music Department sign and waited. "You didn't go through the walls, did you?" Sammy asked as soon as he reached where Y/N was standing. "What? No. I went through the pipes." Y/N admitted. "Not against the rules at all." Sammy facepalmed as Y/N mischievously smirked. Then, all of a sudden, Sammy kissed her. It tasted like ink, if ink tasted sweet. When Sammy pulled away, Y/N stood there for a moment in a daze. But then she asked, "What was that for?!" "I've been wanting to do it ever since I saw you step out of that stupid suit." Sammy admitted. "Well... um..." Y/N said, trying to find a way to object to it. "Can we kiss again?" Y/N asked. Sammy said nothing, but kissed her again, except this time, Y/N gave into it. It wasn't just a short kiss, it was a long one. So long, that Y/N only pulled away in order to catch her breath, quietly panting. Sammy smirked a little bit. "If you and I didn't have to breathe, the kiss would still be going, right?" "Absolutely." Y/N said, still a little bit in a daze. She blinked a couple times. "Why do you call me little sheep?" Y/N asked. "Because you're sweet and fluffy." Sammy replied. "What's that supposed to mean?" "You want to find out?" "Yes." Y/N said, no thought going into the answer at all. Sammy smiled and kissed her again. It tasted sweet, sweeter than anything in the world. But not overpoweringly sweet. Sammy pulled away. "That's why you're my Little Sheep."

(A/N Sorry for such a short chapter. But don't worry, it won't end just yet. This sheep has got plans for many more chapters. Bendy doesn't know about Y/N and Sammy yet. What do you think he's going to say? Word count: 747)

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