Chapter 2

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A cold dirty hand touched you forehead, you moaned and turned over so you were on your side. Slowly opening you eyes, you blinked a few times to adjust to the lighting. Frantically looking over the place, you were in some place you really didn't know and you were panicking real fast.

Turning so you were on your back, the ceiling above was supported by wooden beams. But the ceiling wasn't like the normal ceiling you would find in normal houses in fact it was the ground that was above you.

Where were you?


You sat up, and screamed it was the thing from last night. The crazy maniac with the chainsaw, and he was here going to come over to you. You shoved the masked man away. Clutching the dirty rugged blanket, breathing uncontrollably. What the hell was going on? Why where you here? And with that thing? The masked man tried to calm you down but you wouldn't let him near you, as you tried to kick him.

"Why? Why am I here?" You asked him.

Leatherface stayed silent, but lied to you with a shrug.

"Leatherface!" Called an voice from a distant which was annoyed.

Leatherface which you assumed was the man or thing that had brought you here had left the room.

"Why you screaming?" Asked Drayton quite annoyed.

Leatherface shook his head frantically.

"Don't lie you fool!" He snapped.

Leatherface looked around to find an excuse, luckily there was a dead rat cut by the stomach with its guts spilled out on the dusty ground. He pointed to the rat, and tried to mimic your scream. (Which wasn't that good)

"Ooh I see, Choptop and his tricks. Well you get used to those rats cause I ain't telling him no more."

Leatherface nodded, his brother went back down the tunnel and back into the main room of the house. Leatherface went back into his room, to find you standing with a hammer ready to swing it at him.

"You betta get me out of here!" You demanded.

You got a nod from the masked man, as he tried to approach you with opened arms. You made a swing and he stepped back.

"Just get me out of here, and we'll pretend this never happened." You decided to settled on a agreement, hoping he would as well.

Leatherface shook his head.

"And why not?" You asked.

He stayed silent. Great, either this thing doesn't talk or doesn't understand you. He opened the door, indicating you to follow him. You took the hammer for defence incase he tried anything on with you.

Dusty ground beneath your feet, the ground as the ceiling was high above you at some parts it was supported by wooden beams. Like an abandoned mine. Several tunnels and steps branched out to different areas. Some of them were blocked off by stones, but you weren't going down any tunnels. You were going around many corners like it was a maze.

"Umm..." You started. "What is this place?" You asked.

Leatherface stopped and looked at you, not saying a word. Except just pointing ahead. To a dark corridor filled with little differently coloured bulbs of light. At the end of the corridor was an sign saying exit. That went up into the real world, that was light, clear much much nicer.

"Oh okay then." You paused, not really sure if you should say thank you or not. "Well...I'll be going home now and I can find it by myself."

You were about to walk off, when Leatherface grabbed you wrist. Causing you to drop the hammer. Looking him in the eyes, it looked like he didn't want you to leave to soon.


Leatherface shook his head.

"But I-I can't stay there." You stuttered.

He shook his head again, now you were lost. What did he want?

"I want to go home." You said, quite firmly.

Leatherface dragged you across the field, that surrounded the abandoned theme park.

"I can walk by myself you know."

Still shaking his head, and still holding your wrist. He walked you through the tall grassy field that seemed to be going on for ages. You wondered how many miles it was, eventually the two of you were in woods. Immediately recognising that it was the place that you two met. Soon enough you were back in your lonely street where there were only three houses left.

"Home sweet home." You breathed out, quite glad to be in a quite comfortable place.

Unlocking the front door, and opening the other door. You walked into your living room and sat down on the sofa kicking your shoes off, and just when you were about to forget what happened this morning. It wasn't going to go away that easily.

"Uh...can I help?" You asked.

The masked man, looked around the room. Like he never saw anything like this before, but judging from his home it looked quite similar, except it was underground. So why was he so curious?

"Look I'm home now, so you can leave." You got up and pointed towards you door.

Leatherface ignored you and wandered into the kitchen. Sighing, you got up and followed him. Leaning against the door frame, arms folded waiting for him to hurry up.

"Leatherface?" You mumbled to yourself.

He looked at you, and gave a nod. Leatherface was his name, why didn't you guess from the weird mask? That was made out of some leather.

"It's fine I was just wondering on why...wait...there was another person down there?" You remembered, perhaps it was a relative of some sort, you got a nod in reply.

He left the kitchen, and went to the stairs. Looking up to the second floor.

"Oh wait hang on." Not wanting him to go up stairs, but he went. "I really don't understand him, he doesn't talk, he wears a mask, and he lives down underground. Although you shouldn't really judge someone by there background."

Heading back in the kitchen you deciding to make dinner. When you suddenly remember something.

He had a chainsaw.

Silently hoping he wasn't part of the chainsaw murders.

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