Chapter 25

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Leatherface whined and whined to himself, wondering when the next three days where going to pass. Well it certainly was going to be ages, as you just left an hour ago, but with no clocks in the house. There was no way to tell time.

"Bubba get off you backside and help," Drayton ordered.

Sigh. Mumble, mumble.

"Well if you sit there for the next hour, it won't go any quicker. You stupid boy."

Leatherface got up from the table, doing as he was told. Learning to make an basic normal meal. That didn't have human meat.

You on the other hand, was trying to make an meal for one. Trying to remember what you did when Leatherface didn't come round, but you had forgotten about those days.

"Screw this, I'll just ask my neighbour to come round for dinner. No reason what so ever." You said, getting frustrated.

You walked into the living room, grabbing your jumper from the sofa. Before going round to hers.

"Oh, I wasn't expecting to see you tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" You repeated. "Well I was wondering if you'd like to come over for dinner."

Your neighbour gave a thought about it. "Having trouble making meals for one?" She asked.

What? How did she know? You shook your head, lying to yourself and her.

"I'm joking." She smiled.


"Carrots are disgusting, honestly these pointy orange things with green stalks." She complained.

"Carrot." You pointed, before going onto the next one.

Leatherface almost put a finger on you lips to shush you, but you didn't let him. His eyes were drawn to the carrot, maybe he hadn't seen it before.

"You like the carrot?" You asked.

He picked it up and curiously looked at it. It's funny green end and the orange shape.

"Sorry, I must of forgot." You apologised.

"Your forgiven."

You put them on your plate, knowing you should stop thinking about Leatherface. As it might get you into more trouble, but you did think about him, because of what Drayton said. How to get answers without making it obvious.

"Done anything exciting lately?" You asked, not giving much eye contact, but making mental notes on the body language.

"Nothing much, just reading bout the massacre." She replied, not looking at you either. "Have you? Never really seen you around."

"Well there's not much to do here, but I've been reading bout the new town." Again you lied, but what else could you.

Making mental notes on the lies you've told, incase she asked you again.

"You've seen any strange shadowy figures recently?" She asked.

How were you going to answer that one?

"Have you?" You answered with a question.

"Yeah, they came round for a bit before stopping. Then they came back."

Although you didn't just have shadows, you had notes as well, but you didn't get that part. Maybe she wasn't the one behind it after all, perhaps Drayton had got it wrong. Maybe he was giving a suggestion.

'He could be the suspect to.' You thought to yourself.

Now you were going to have to treed extra carefully with this conversation.

"Hey you know the one that's responsible for the chainsaw massacre? Do you know what he looks like?" You asked.

Would she say the correct appearance, or will she lie but have her body language say something else. Your neighbour looked up at you, quite surprised you asked that. Knowing you weren't to keen on the cannibal topic.

"Sally Hardesty, said that it had a mask make of human skin, but the description was much different to Stretch and Lefty's description." She explained. "Stretch said he had the wildest curly hair you could imagine, and the mask covered the whole face."

Leatherface certainly had the most curliest hair you had seen, but he was rather cute with it. You held a blush back as you thought about him.

"Sally said its ears weren't really ears, but who knows what that disgusting thing looks like." The neighbour finished. "Bloody chainsaw welding maniac."

Meanwhile at the Sawyers house. Even though Drayton had Leatherface helping him, he could of least said three portions not four potions. You hadn't even be here for long, and Drayton even saw you leave. So making four potions, he honestly had no idea what happened.

"Bubba you idiot!" Drayton scolded, giving his younger brother a slap.


"You'll be eating this one as well."

Leatherface gave a nod, even he knew three people. But he just made it because of you. As the older brother carried his plate and Choptop's, Leatherface was left to carry his two potions of dinner.

"Ha! Drayton your stupid!" Choptop pointed out, as he laughed to himself.

"Shut up!" Drayton shouted back.

"Bet you miss her!"

"I said shut up!" Drayton went round the table to Choptop.

Dragging his younger brother from his chair, to beat him. Leatherface gave a small sigh, and mumbled something to himself. Before eating his dinner. These next days were going to be long.

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