Chapter 27

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The mysterious figure walked in a house, with scraps and pieces of paper all over the place. Rummaging through the papers, it seemed like they were finding something in particular. But weren't all the papers about the same topic? Why look for a specific one?

"Yes, yes, yes." The voice spoke. "He has indeed returned."

Hanging the picture up on the wall, the figure went to get something.

"The perfect description by Stretch. Oh the drawer has certainly got all his disgusting features."

It came back into the room, running its thumb over the sharp blade. The figure laughed as it threw a knife into the picture of the insane cannibal. Known as Leatherface.


"(Y/n)." Leatherface mumbled, struggling with the pronunciation of letters.

"Did you? Did you just say my name?" You asked, quick shocked.

Leatherface shook his head, you shrugged in reply.

"I swear you did, but never mind."

It was after dinner time, only half past five. Leatherface had got the paper and colouring pencils out, wanting to draw again. You, of course couldn't say no to it. The masked was really trying his hardest to draw, but it just turned out to be squiggly lines.

"Don't get yourself worked up over it, it's takes lots of practice to draw. Even I can't draw that good."

Leatherface shook his head, you we're just being silly. Your drawings were good.

"Well what do you want to draw?"

Well chainsaw was off the list, and anything relating to the massacre. Although to be honest he had no idea, what he wanted to draw.

"What about a dog or cat?"

Leatherface put two fingers up for cat, not having an idea on what it was. You began to draw it's head, the shape before adding the triangle eyes. And with him always being curious, his eyes widen from this fascination. The masked man, then went to copy you. Drawing the cat a bit bigger from yours.


"Oh, that's quite good you know." You commented, as you finished your drawing.

Leatherface's cat, had the body of a potato, big and curvy. It's left legs were longer than the right ones, and it had a very long tail. Although it's head had the right ears, eyes and nose. It had rather long whiskers. You went to colour your cat orange, as it was ginger. Whilst the masked man got an unusual colour.

"You can't get blue cats," You chuckled.


Telling you, you couldn't get orange cats.

"No, it's pink as well."

The blue cat with a pink tail, and green eyes. So you coloured your cats tail, red and yellow. The two of you were both having fun, that time was slipping away quite quickly.

You looked up at the clock and sighed. Your happiness leaving you. "I don't know whether to send you home or not." You stood up from the table.

Mumble, mumble. Whine.

Leatherface came over to you and took your hands, stroking them with his thumbs. Wanting to look into your eyes, but you didn't meet his.

"Its just cause it's light." You said, giving a thought about it.

The masked man just whined, pulling you into a hug. As he ran his fingers through your hair. Leatherface was being comforting but distracting at the time. Sure you could send him home, but with it being light your neighbour could see him. Although if he stayed, then the problems might start up again. You went to think more about it, when there was a loud knocking on the door.

"Oh shoot," You almost swore. "Right, just stay in the kitchen, I'll handle this."

Leatherface gave another small whine, but did as he was told. You gulped and went over to the door.

"Oh hey?" You greeted.

Again it's was your one and only neighbour.

"Hi, sorry bout the short notice. But it was about the new town."


"Can I come in?" She asked.

You shook your head, hoping she wouldn't try to barge in.

"Oh come on your not hiding anything are you? Well why would you? My birthdays not until July, and it's the beginning of March." You neighbour chuckled.

You closed your door and went to sit out on your porch. Your neighbour however stood.

"It's just that your house is so clean." She complimented as she soon sat down, in the other chair.

Mumble, mumble.

Leatherface could slightly see the neighbour through the window. As he peeped from the kitchen. Remembering what Drayton had said about her.

"Anyways, in my opinion it adds up to her, if you think about it. She could easily know about Bubba, the obsession but also the innocence. You said so yourself, you didn't think it was her." Drayton explained.

Leatherface gave a nod, fiddling with his thumbs. He knew there wasn't a way of getting back to the house. He wondered if she knew if he was there.

Mumble, mumble, mumble.

The masked man went to the table, taking a sheet of paper and lots of colours. Before going into the kitchen, he went to draw something down.

"They're been lazy with the town!" You complained.

"I know, our community ain't going to be happy."

"And I ain't happy about it."

Yeah, well I thought I'd tell you about it. As I'm off now."

"Seeya." You waved.

Your new town was just an extension of another town, therefore they were mixing two communities together. Which wasn't going to be good, there could even be an neighbourhood war. But that was the least of your worries. Your main worries was Leatherface.

"Leatherface," You called. "Leatherface?" You called again.

Where was he? You ran into the kitchen, to find him not being there. But paper on the worktop. It has a house, some trees and then a big hill. The hill had very, very scribbly writing of home. You breathed out.

"Smart boy, he's gone and used the back door to get home." You were quite glad, he had done that. Not really expecting him to think, about something like that.

Well at least that was one problem ticked off the list, and now it wasn't the time to think about the other ones. It was time to head to bed, and have an early night.

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