Chapter 15

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After dinner, washing up the dishes. You decided it was time to introduce music to the man, after introducing games and other entertainment.

"This is a good song," You said, putting the song on. "No one lives forever."

Leatherface knew this song, this was the song that Stretch had played when he was chainsawing the two boys in their car on the bridge.

You worry too much
You make yourself sad
You can't change fate
But don't feel so bad
Enjoy it while you can
It's just like the weather
So quit complaining, brother...
No one lives forever!

You mouthed the words, almost knowing the whole lyrics. As it was usually requested on the radio station, by Stretch. Leatherface took your hands, wanting to dance with you.

Let's have a party
There's a full moon in the sky
It's the hour of the wolf
And I don't want to die

I'm so happy dancin', while the grim reaper...
Cuts, cuts, cuts
But he can't get me
(I'm as) clever as can be, and I'm very quick, but don't forget:
We've only got so many tricks
No one lives forever!

You think you got it rough?
What about your darling doggy?
Ten short years
And he's getting old and groggy
I don't think it's very fair
Cold, chop, low, but it's all relative, my friend, 'cause
No one lives forever!

Let's have a party
There's a full moon in the sky
It's the hour of the wolf and I
Don't wanna die, (but)....

I'm so happy dancin', while the grim reaper...
Cuts, cuts, cuts
But he can't get me
(I'm as) clever as can be, and I'm very quick, but don't forget:
We've only got so many tricks
No one lives forever!

You worry too much
You make yourself sad
You can't change fate
But don't feel so bad
Enjoy it while you can
It's just like the weather
So quit complaining, brother...
No one lives forever!

Let's have a party
There's a full moon in the sky
It's the hour of the wolf
And I don't want to die

No one beats him at his game
For very long, but just the same
Who cares; there's no place safe to hide
Nowhere to run—no time to cry
So celebrate while you still can
'Cause any second, it may end
And when it's all been said and done...
Better that you had some fun
Instead of hiding in a shell
Why make your life a living hell?
So have a toast and down the cup
And drink to bones that turn to dust ('cause)...
No one, no one, no one...
No one lives forever!

The song ended at the last spin with Leatherface, who was an incredible dancer. Still remaining quite close together, the heat was turning up. Staring into each others eyes, with blushing uncontrollable.

"I think I'll go and get something." You said, breaking the silence.

He gave a small whine, but let go anyway. You went to the kitchen and into the lower cupboards looking for something. Something that your parents would of said no to. Grabbing two glasses, you wanted to make this night special and something to remember. You went to sit down on the sofa, with Leatherface joining you. Putting the glasses down on the coffee table, to open the bottle. Before pouring it into the glasses.

"A toast, to an unusual friendship." You tapped your glass against Leatherface's, but before taking a sip. "Woah woah woah, don't drink it so fast." You said.

Leatherface spat it out, and coughed.

"I guess it tastes strange." You assumed.

You swirled the substance around before smelling it. Then you took a sip, Leatherface looked at you for an answer.

"Tastes fine to me."

The masked man gave a nod and went to drink more.

"Slowly Leatherface slowly." You guided him.

The alcohol was slowly taking affect on you and Leatherface, you began talking about you past life since you knew his. Although with you mind becoming less and less sober, you went from your past feelings to your present feelings.

"You know I've never told you, how cute you are." You began to express your feelings.

Leatherface pointed to you, saying you were cuter.

"No your cuter." You giggled. 

Again he pointed at you. The pair of you were getting quite silly and sleepy.

"You know, I know that I find you cute but..." Your mind was finding it hard to concentrate.

This was new to Leatherface as well, sure he had heard of the stuff before. Although Drayton would keep it out of reach from him and the twins. Never was anyone seen drinking it, it just sat in the basement.

You dropped the glass onto the floor, luckily it was empty as the alcohol would of stained the carpet. Leatherface caught you, his mind half tipsy half sober.

"I think I've had to much." You slurred with a giggle.

Leatherface nodded his head, he too and a bit to much and now with his sober mind becoming drunk his feelings were starting to spill out. Leatherface went to cup your cheeks as you looked up into his eyes. Stroking your cheeks, he then went to kiss you. Now it was your turn to let your feelings out. Closing your eyes, you kissed him back, your hands on his shoulders. Sure it felt odd with his mask before his lips but it still felt like the most wonderful thing. Sparks were flying everywhere and feelings were out of control. Both parting for air, it was soon back to another deep passionate kiss.

"I love you Leatherface, I really do." 

He kissed you lightly to say the same thing. Now this was getting bad, you were losing your balance you fell backwards onto the sofa, pulling the masked man with you.

"Oh jeez my head." You groaned.

Leatherface on the other hand was getting very sleepy, slowly closing his eyes.

"Wait till I get up," You said, but he fell asleep. "Leatherface." You whispered. "Leatherface." But you to drifted off to sleep.

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