Chapter 14

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The Spring breeze was in the air, a few flowers were also starting to come out. New buds on the trees, as nice as it was going to be, with hardly any clouds. It was just cold. You pulled your jacket over and done the zip up. The brothers on the other hand just wore there normal clothes, no jackets or jumpers.

"Brrrr." You said, rubbing your hands together. "Sure is cold."

Leatherface wanted to hug you, but you said not to, as of Choptop was around.

"Bubba is lazy, I'm surprised he wanted to go for a walk."

Leatherface moaned and gave his brother a shove.

" don't mind giving us a bit of time alone please." You asked.

Choptop looked at the pair of you, but gave a nod and skipped ahead. Leatherface stopped you.

"I was thinking of staying at mine tonight." You suggested.

Leatherface gave a nod, wanting to hold your hand. You still didn't let him because of Choptop.

"You sure you ain't cold?" You asked.

The masked man shook his head.

Walking through the long dry grassy fields. The three of you came across a small area of woods, which wasn't the one that was near your home. The older brother skipped over to the trees, laughing to himself before going to climb up a tree.

"Your brothers certainly enthusiastic isn't he?" You looked up the tree. "Do be careful won't you? I'm sure Drayton wouldn't want you injured in anyway."

Choptop shouted something back, Leatherface immediately went to cover your ears, knowing it was bad language.

"Leatherface, I've heard worse." You stated.

"You coming up or you to scared?" Choptop asked, in a daring way.

"No way would I be scared of tree climbing." You accepted the challenge, reaching for the first low branch.

The younger brother didn't want to climb the tree, whining a bit he tried to stop you. You kept telling him you would be fine and that you wouldn't climb high. The branches were thick and all close together so climbing the tree wasn't that hard. No leaves to shield you from the wind but buds were on the end on the branches. You were halfway up the tree, stopping to catch your breath. The sight around you was the dusty Texas desert roads, grassy fields and the Texas Battle Land. You looked down to see Leatherface looking up at you. You gave a wave.

"Bubba likes you." Choptop interrupted, making you realise you weren't alone.

Hoping you weren't blushing. "Oh were just friends."

Choptop gave a nod. "Hey Bubba want her to climb higher." He called.

The younger brother grabbed the bark on the tree, indicating he was going to shake it. (Although he couldn't since it was a big tree.)

"I promise I won't climb any further." You called down. "In fact I'm coming down in a minute."

You enjoyed the view from the tree, occasionally looking down to check on Leatherface, who played with dead crinkly leaves. Choptop went to climb further up before coming back down.

"BOO!" He shouted, jumping from the low branch.

Leatherface jumped but wanted to fight his brother.

"Come on then Bubba!" Choptop encouraged him.

You climbed down the tree, wanting to stop the masked man. He continually pushed his older brother, who shouted out rude comments.

"Leatherface! Stop!" You shouted. "Stop!"

"Baby!" Choptop called.

"Hey stop it!"

Why on earth did he want to ruin this peaceful atmosphere?

"Big baby!"

Leatherface stopped, taking a deep breath to calm down.

"Be at ease." You slowly breathed out. "Also it's getting cold."

The younger brother gave a nod, whilst the older both called you names but walked back with you. But you didn't head to the Texas Battle Land, no you were going home. With Leatherface.


You didn't have the energy to cook so you just heated up two bowls of tinned soup, that you got from the store where you met Drayton.

"Something a bit different today." You announced, walking from the kitchen carrying two bowls of soup.

Placing them down on the table you brought the spoons out to. You forgot that Leatherface had difficulty with spoons, and seeing him struggle you couldn't believe you did that.

"Oh no, I'm sorry." You apologised, getting up to help him.

You brung your chair around, Leatherface put the spoon back. Knowing it was still hot, you took a spoonful and slowly blew it.

"It's fine now." You said.

Leatherface opened his mouth, so you spoon fed him.

"This reminds me of, a mother saying "Here comes the Choo Choo train." To her child."

The masked man didn't know what that was, mainly because they didn't eat this kind of stuff and the other reason was because they didn't use cutlery. Leatherface opened his mouth again, so you did it again.

Although you couldn't help but say. "Here comes the Choo Choo train."

He gave a smile in reply, reaching over to your bowl and spoon. Leatherface sure liked copying your actions, and he knew that you liked it. Taking a spoonful of the soup, forgetting to blow it, you took the offering.

"Thank you." You said.

He did it again, and you did it as well. Both childishly spoon feeding each other.

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