Chapter 5

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Yesterday was so strange, no matter how hard you tried to forget it. You just couldn't, and you couldn't figure out why. Did you like him? No why would you he's just a stranger who brought you home after running into a tree. You woke up and moaned, seeing as nothing was going to happen today. Yet a small part of you wanted to see him again. Pulling your dressing gown over your pyjamas you went downstairs for breakfast.

"Today, I must find something about Leatherface." You told yourself.

You heard small tapping that came from the window that looked into your living room. You thought it was your neighbour, but asked yourself why would they be knocking on the window and not the front door? You decided to go check it out, walking into the living you could see someone at the window. The one and only Leatherface.

"What's he doing back so early?" You asked yourself, deciding let him in. "Leatherface it's to early to be here?"

He nodded, and came inside your house.

"You hungry? I was just about to get breakfast." You asked, rubbing your eye.

He gave a nod in reply. While you were making breakfast, Leatherface sat at the table. Again it was nothing fancy but cereal with milk. Making two bowls of cereal, you then carried it into the living room that had your dining table in it.

"Now this meal you'll definitely have to eat with this." You told Leatherface, holding the spoon.

He took it from you, watching you take a spoonful first. Then doing the same, but spoons were difficult to eat with. Poor Leatherface couldn't put them in his mouth, so he had to sort of pour it.

"Oh sorry, I can a smaller one of you want." You said, notice him struggle.

You were about to do then, before watching him spit the spoonful of breakfast back in the his bowl. Making strange horrible sounds.

"Don't like it?" You asked.

He stuck his tongue out, shaking his head trying to get the flavour away.

"Oh its ok I'll get something else." You said, taking the bowl away and the spoon.

Pouring the milk down the sink and the cereal into the bin. You were thinking about what else he could eat, but you didn't know and you couldn't ask him.

"Um Leatherface?" You called.

He came into the kitchen.

"Is there anything else you wanna eat?" You questioned. "Anything that you ate last night?" Remembering he ate everything on the plate. You got no reply, guess you could only ask yes or no questions. "Looks like we'll have to get everything out."

He tilted his head to the side which meant he was confused. You got all the different ingredients out of the cupboards and the fridge, laying them out of the kitchen worktop. Pointing to each one of them and saying what they were. About the forth one was an orange carrot with its green funny stalk on.

"Carrot." You pointed, before going onto the next one.

Leatherface almost put a finger on you lips to shush you but you didn't let him. His eyes were drawn to the carrot, maybe he hasn't seen it before.

"You like the carrot?" You asked.

He picked it up and curiously looked at it.

"Well I'm gonna have to cut of the stalk and the root." You said getting a knife. "Apparently carrots help you see in the dark, but I don't think that's true."

Leatherface shook his head, he didn't need carrots to help him see in the dark. All he needed to hear was screams and know where they were.

"There ya go." You handed back the carrot, as you went to put everything back where it belonged.

Crunch, crunch, crunch.

"Oh ok then, you go and eat that one while I get a few more."

Leatherface went back to the table, eating the carrot.

'Cereal, no. Carrots, yes.' You noted to yourself.

"Well I wasn't going to do anything today, unless my neighbour wants to talk about those cannibals." You started the one sided conversation. "Again"

Leatherface avoided eye contact once you said that. He didn't want you to know that he was one, and he was hoping you didn't think he was one.

"But...since your here I guess we could do something together."

He gave a nod at that, slowly eating the last carrot. Leatherface had an idea in his head, but wasn't sure on how to show you what he meant.

"Any ideas?" You asked, having the last spoonful of your breakfast.

Leatherface nodded at your question.

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