Chapter 11

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Small lights hung above your head the rest of the room around you was dimly lit. The earth ground above and below you. The room was empty from what you could see. You slowly opened your eyes, and groaned to the pain of your head. You went to stand up but couldn't, as you were tied to the chair. You screamed at the top of your lungs, despite having a kind of dirty fabric in your mouth. Leatherface came into the light, putting a finger on you mouth.

"Leatherface," You cried, tears streaming down your face.

Leatherface stepped back into the darkness as a door opened, in stepped Drayton and Choptop.

"You know, I knew Bubba had fallen for the swindle but I thought he'd learn his lesson, but clearly he hasn't. Drayton spoke.

Leatherface gave a small whine fiddling with his thumbs.

"Hey Drayton isn't that the girl you were chatting up at the store?" Choptop asked.

By god he was right. Drayton was the sane man from the shop and the same man mentioned in the newspaper.

"Drayton Sawyer." You mumbled, as it was like meeting your arch enemy many years later.

Drayton slapped his brother. "If you can't behave then leave us, ya pest!"

"I wouldn't be here if I had Nubbins!" Choptop shouted back.

Drayton sighed. "Bubba go with you brother."

Leatherface walked over to you, he wasn't going to leave you alone with Drayton.

"Bubba!" Drayton warned. "I'm already sick of this attitude, now go with brother!"

You looked up at the masked man and slightly shook you head. He gave an nod in reply, he wasn't going away without you regardless on what they said.

"Fine!" Drayton snapped. "You can both stay, but no butting in."

The two younger brothers nodded. You sat there, as you couldn't do much.

"From what I've gathered, Bubba has been falling the swindle again. Which means seeing you and whatever you two do."

"Eating," Choptop added.

"That as well, and whatever your feeding him is making him not eat his dinner here."

You looked up and Leatherface, clearly it wasn't your fault that he didn't eat here. Although if he did prefer your cooking over Drayton then it could be a problem.

"How did you two even meet?" Drayton asked.

Leatherface put a finger on your mouth, you weren't even gonna answer that question.

"This means we won't be able to eat her, will it?" Choptop asked.

"Unfortunately," The eldest clarified.

"So what are we going to do with her?"

Drayton shrugged. Leatherface gave a small quiet sigh of relief, but was still unsure of what they had in mind. Maybe they might let you go? Maybe they might keep you here? Who knew.


Drayton got fed up with trying to ask questions, as you didn't want answer or Leatherface would play up at the asked things. Choptop had left ages ago, saying he was going to do something. You however still remained tied to the chair, crying inside but would scream in cry of help.

"I give up." Drayton was about to leave the room before saying. "You disgust me!"

As soon as he left, Leatherface whined a bit before going to untie your hands and the straps holding you from the chair. You got up and immediately went to hug him, breaking into tears. He hugged back, resting his chin on top of your head. Tears starting to form from Leatherface's eyes making his mask wet.

"Any news?" Choptop asked, stabbing knifes into the table.

"Nothing," Drayton replied, slouching in his chair. "He sure does like her."

"Well she's better looking than that DJ." Choptop complimented.

Drayton shot him a warning look. "I'm letting her go."


"No! It's because of Bubba, he ain't gonna let us do anything."

"But what if she calls the police?"

"Then her life is at deaths door." Drayton replied, getting up. "Well it's dinner time now...better let her stay." He then mumbled.

Drayton left to go and start the dinner, whilst Choptop took the the knifes out of the table, before chucking them
around the room.

Sparing your life (Leatherface x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now