Chapter 16

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You woke up with a throbbing headache, and the need to feel sick. You sat straight up and moaned. Looking around the living room you couldn't see Leatherface which was worrying, as you got up your legs fell back to sleep so you fell.

"Ouch." You muttered.

Leatherface rushed from the kitchen and picked you up, putting you back on the sofa.

"I'm fine really."

He shook his head, picking you up again he took you to your seat. Before going back into the kitchen. You groaned at the pain. Leatherface came back into the room carrying two plates.

"Tell me this isn't human meat?" You asked, even though it looked like bacon and eggs.

The masked man lightly slammed his hands in the table, quite hurt by the question.

"Sorry, just wondering that's all." You began to eat the breakfast, quite surprised that he cooked it. "Thank you, and...Oh your using the fork."

The masked man blushed under his mask, knowing you couldn't see it. After the nice breakfast the two of you sat down on the sofa.

"Oh my," You started, memories of yesterday crashed over you like a wave. "Did I confess my feelings?"

Leatherface gave a nod.

"Oh no, I couldn't of, but I guess it true. I'm in love with a cannibal." You admitted, chuckling a bit.


"What? Surely you feel the same, after all you kissed me first." You said, not understanding that the whine was about the mentioning of Cannibalism.

Leatherface gave a nod, knowing the kiss was quite magical. Yet he couldn't understand why Drayton wouldn't allow love to be a thing back home, it always had to be so bitter and cold.

"Well, I don't want to do much today, except to be with you." You said, giving a tap to his nose, he smiled in replied.

Yes, nothing much happened that day, most of the time you two were cuddling. You would say things and Leatherface would mumble something but you didn't quite understand it.


Whilst sitting in Leatherface's arms, with him resting his chin on your head. Silent but enjoying each other's company, although you couldn't help shake off the feeling that someone was watching you. You quickly looked up and at the window, your breathing slightly hitched and your eyes widened. Leatherface gave a small whine, hugging you a bit tighter.

"I-I thought...I just saw someone." You stuttered.

Leatherface gave a shrug, knowing he didn't see anything but thought you might be teasing him.

"No don't get up." You whispered.

You waited a few more minutes, but nothing came by again so you just decided it was probably nothing. Although that one part of you was getting quite scared.


"It probably wasn't anything but my imagination." You sighed. "Speaking of imagination."

You got up, and went to get something from the kitchen. Opening a draw you got a few sheets of paper and grabbed a bunch of colouring pencils. Before going back to the living room to put the lot down on the table.


He came over. Immediately recognising what you were going to do. It was drawing, not skilful and serious works of art but just silly little drawings. Leatherface knew this as Nubbins did sketches of his sculptures before he went to make them. Leatherface had always been curious of the colouring pencils, one time Nubbins said he could use them. However when he went out and Drayton came in, it was a different answer. Drayton had snapped all the pencils, and buried them in the garden. Nubbins never found out what happened to them, but if he did who knew what his reaction might be.

"You ok?" You asked.

The masked man gave a nod and sat down in his seat. A bit nervous on using them. You however went ahead and drew something, something with lots of colours. Leatherface sat there hesitating for a bit. Soon enough he went to just colour the whole piece of paper.


You got through three drawings, the first one was a rainbow, the second one was flowers (mainly roses), and the third one was about the memorable moments between the two of you.

"Which one do you like?" You asked Leatherface, showing him the drawings.

The masked man pointed to all of them, they were all good in their own ways.

"What'd you draw?"

Leatherface gave the first sheet of paper over, as he was still colouring the other one. It contained the colours of yellow, black and red.

"Chainsaw, darkness and blood?" You asked, wondering if that's what the colours meant.

Leatherface shrugged, but went to colour the next one in red, pink and green. Indicating that it was rose, inspired by your drawing.

"Well whatever it is, it's good." You complimented.


After Leatherface coloured in the paper, he wanted you to draw roses on it. So the roses has the odd colours of greens, reds and pinks mixed together. Making the drawing itself look quite interesting. Dinner was soon followed after that, Leatherface went to feed you your dinner.

Ever since you had met him, he had been becoming sweeter and sweeter. Making your love for him grow more and more.

"I know I've said this before...but I really do love you." You said, looking into his eyes.

Leatherface lightly kissed you, mumbling the same thing. Throughout the night, the room was dark. You didn't put night the light on because, that one part of you was still paranoid. The same shadow you saw earlier had passed over, a few times now. You didn't say anything to Leatherface, thinking he might take matters into his own hands. Which meant the chainsaw murders. However, with you being in his arms, you felt much safer.

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