Chapter 18

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Over the next few days, from when your neighbour showed up, and went to talk about the same topic as usual. More strange shadows passed your windows, but it wasn't just that, there was also little pieces of paper. Being sent through your door. This was now starting to get creepy, first of all they were anonymous and second of all the police wasn't around in the area. Thirdly you were dealing this by yourself.

"Might as well confess now, before it gets messy."

"Death threats!" You scolded to yourself, you scrunched up the note before chucking it at the wall.

Leatherface tilted his head to the side.

"Nothing," You lied.

Well you wasn't convincing, as he went to get the ball of paper. You prayed he didn't read it, but instead he chucked it as you. Indicating to you to cheer up.

"Oh come here." You said, joining Leatherface on the sofa, as he played with your hair. "It's just paranoia that's all. You remember when I told you someone was watching us? Well I just keep thinking that-"

Leatherface put a finger on your mouth, giving a small whine.

"Your right, I'm just over reacting."

Or were you? One dark rainy night, you were upstairs in your bed. Leatherface was fast asleep, but you were wide awake. Even though it was the trees that were dancing across the window, it wasn't the shadows it was the knocking on the porch. Going in a strange pattern like Morse code. You quietly slipped out of Leatherface's arms who mumbled something, as he usually did when he was sleeping. You grabbed your flashlight as headed downstairs.

Preparing yourself you slowly opened your front door. Shining the flashlight around. There wasn't anything to be seen, it was just the empty houses. Until it looked like there was someone standing, but it was to far of a distant for your flashlight to shine of them.
You began to panic and slammed your front door shut, hitting your back against the door and slid down to be greeted by folded piece of paper.

"No. No. No." You repeated, tossing it aside.

You put your head in the hands and began to break down crying. Soon enough you went to sleep on the sofa, upset, anxious and annoyed.


The next morning, Leatherface had woken up first. To find that you weren't next to him. Looking around quite worried he quickly went downstairs, quite thankful that you were still in the house. He went over and kissed your forehead. You however didn't wake up, since you were tired from stress.

Mumble. Mumble.

Which was followed by a small whine. Leatherface stroked your hair, you just twitched at the feeling.


The masked decided to get some breakfast. Making you cereal, he got carrots for himself.

Throughout the day more and more notes come. They were all about the cannibal, as if someone knew he was here. But who? All you talked to was your neighbour next door, and the people you passed when you went to town. Although you hadn't been there for a week now, you were going to have to go soon but that didn't matter at the moment.

"Confess now..."

"Turn it in, or your life might be Hell."

"You can't keep it a secret forever."

You had shoved all the notes in the draw, not really in the mood to read them. It sounded like different people where sending them, perhaps one person knew and told the rest of the town. Who knew who was sending them, but the had better stop soon.


"What's up?" You asked Leatherface.

He pointed outside, you immediately shook your head. So he titled his head to the side.

"It's just to cold to go outside." You lied.

Leatherface then pointed to the jumper you were wearing.

"Leatherface, I meant that it was to cold for you to go outside. You don't wear jumpers at all."

The masked man shrugged, and sat down with you on the sofa. He was trying to work out the mood you were in, but didn't know so he just kept his distant.

"Maybe we should stay with your brothers." You mumbled to yourself.

Leatherface began fiddled with his thumbs, bored out of his mind. He poked you once, getting no reaction so he poked you again and again.

"Oh shove off, can't you see I'm thinking." You tried shoved the man.


He went upstairs, and you went back to thinking. Leatherface came back down with the Chutes and Ladders game. You got up and went to the kitchen, to make up some kind of crime investigation board. Completely ignoring Leatherface, who wanted to play. Who felt hurt and went to play it by himself.

A few days later, and then, they just stopped...

Sparing your life (Leatherface x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now