【 xvi. drinks & dares 】

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The next two months went by quicker than either of them could have anticipated. Maahi turned busy in shifting as well as her normal 9-7 days at work. Parth had a lot to make up for on the hours of work he missed and even do his research on his upcoming court cases.

They would try to text each other daily. Mostly, it would turn into a back to back texting after dinner time when they'd both be at their respective places. During the day, texting would be difficult. Sometimes, they'd be lazy so they'd just call after dinner instead of texting and simply share how their day went. Over the weekend was when they'd actually be able to communicate.

Maahi looked over at the screen in her car when the Bluetooth connection stopped playing songs and instead announced a call. Smiling at the name itself, she pressed the button on the steering wheel. "Hey Parth, how are you?"

"I'm good," he answered but she could still hear the tiredness in his voice. He didn't sound his usual peppy self.

She slowly pressed the brakes to stop at a red light. "Why do you sound so down, everything okay?"

"Hmm? Yeah, no. It's all okay. Just been a long day at work. You say, where are you? Your voice is echoing a bit. Am I on speaker?"

"No, Bluetooth actually. I'm driving over to meet some friends from work for drinks and dinner. They insisted on celebrating my single life."

"Ah, girls night out. Sounds fun."

She laughed, "No, not particularly. They're all heavy drinkers. There's a reason I'm DD for tonight." The light turned green and she resumed driving.

"Well, I don't think I can blame them. Some of the things you tell me about your patients? I'd want to drink too to forget about it."

"Yeah... we do have some crazy couples as patients, huh?" She commented, recalling some of the stories she'd told him. With being binded by HIPPA and confidentiality, ofcourse she wouldn't tell him names but one good exception of confidentiality for counselors in self-care was that they could share few generalities with a close friend or significant other. Else keeping everything to yourself? Yeah, that can take a toll on a person.

"Hey, atleast they aren't criminals like I deal with."

"Alright it's established, we both have crazy professions."

"Mhmm, okay then. I'll let you go. Have a safe night and text me when you are back home?"

She smiled at his concern, promising. "I will. Bye Parth."

He bid her as well and the call dropped. She continued to smile remembering their last kiss just as he had been about to go back home. She couldn't let him leave without one and so, she had called his name and walked down the driveway in a rush. Reaching him, she had kissed him slow and passionately as if to communicate to him that she was going to miss him till the next time they'd see each other.

Sometimes, she could swear she could still taste his mouth, the lingering of his warm and soft lips. Over the month, a few times, she'd even dreamed about him. His kisses then were just as efficient in arousing her deepest feelings and quicken her heartbeat.

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Kristen squealed and ran up to Maahi to take her in a tight hug. "You're here!"

Maahi smiled and while parting, asked their other friend Emma, "How much did she already drink?"

"One tequila shot and a Long Island." Emma informed while standing up for a quick hug as a greeting.

Maahi shook her head, knowing that could get anyone drunk. Taking a seat at the bar, she ordered a martini for herself. She decided just that one so she could still drive.

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