【 xix. distance 】

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Parth woke up Monday morning at home when his alarm rang. The very first thought that crossed his mind was Maahi. A smile spread effortlessly on his lips. It had been a really good weekend after some hectic weeks at work and his heart was at peace knowing where he stood in her life. He picked up his phone to leave a few messages. He wished her good morning before messaging his best friend.

Parth: Lunch?

He left to shower after plugging his phone in charging. He checked his phone for a reply when he returned.

Arjun: get free at 1.

Parth: Corner café across from your work?

Arjun: done.

He loved how to the point their texts were. Nothing extra. He dropped the phone on the bed where it bounced and he moved on to put on his tie. His mother pushed the door in and stuck her head inside, "Got back late last night?"

He started to slip on his socks, "Yeah. You and dad had already turned in for the night so I didn't disturb."

"You got a minute? Dad and I want to talk to you."

He glanced in her direction for the first time. It was rare. "Okay, yeah. I'll be right down."

She nods and leaves from the doorway. He gathers his files and slides his laptop in shoulder bag before making his way downstairs. His dad was at the dining table already starting his breakfast. His mother walked in from the kitchen with her green tea.

"Good morning, dad." He greeted him taking a seat and poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Morning, Parth." He folded up the newspaper and placed it on the table. "How's Nikita and Blake?"

Parth teased in a light tone, "They're good, but you didn't wait to have breakfast with me so you could ask about them."

His father chuckled, "You'd be right. Parth... your mother and I, we don't worry about Nikki. We know she's happy in her life. We worry about you."

"Why do you think I'm not happy?" He didn't understand where this was suddenly coming from.

His father glanced at his wife and she explained gently, "Parth, you're 26 now. Don't you think it's time to get settled?"

"Mom, not this again." He grumbled.

She pestered, "No, Parth, listen. We've let you be while you were finishing law school and setting up your career. Look at your friends. Even Arjun and Samar..."

His father continued, "We're not saying get married tomorrow, but atleast you can start thinking about it?"

"Mom, dad, I..." He was hesitant thinking Maahi might not like this as it was just this weekend that they'd given a name to their relationship, but he felt the need to tell his parents something. When he glanced at them after releasing a breath, he found them waiting for him to open up to them. "There is someone I like... more than like, I'm sure."

"Really?" Her eyes widened in surprise for she had never heard her son talk about any girl before. "Who is she?"

"Give me some time, okay?" He decided to have them compromise a little. "It's all still new. She doesn't live here so we've got some things to figure out."

"Oh. Okay. Yeah," she answered accepting that answer for now. At the end of the day, all she wanted was for her son to be happy and see him settled in his life. "But you'll tell us?"

He assured, "I will."

As he walked away to get to work on time, he thought back to yesterday morning.

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