02. Two months

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I barely spent any time with Grayson nowadays as he was always out with HER. It's been almost two months since their first date and they were official. It made my skin crawl, but there was nothing I could do. I was a friend, she was more to him. I wasn't okay with that, but I kept my mouth shut.

I never even met her, which isn't unusual with all the parties she and Grayson kept going to. I just missed him. I missed the guy who'd come by if he noticed even a slight change in the tone of my voice. He'd bring so much junk food and we'd watch cheesy movies all night, laughing away anything that might have influenced my mood.

To say that I've been struggling for the past two months would be an understatement. Ethan understood me, but I pushed him away. I didn't need someone to pity me, I needed Grayson to open his eyes and stop hurting me. I needed him to stop canceling our plans for dates with a girl who was obsessed, controlling and always pressured him. I saw less of him as each week went by, his smile wasn't even real anymore. What was he doing with her anyways?

From: Gray

Wanna hang out?

To: Gray

On my way.

I was happy he wanted to spend time with me, but I hated how easily I buckled. I wanted time away, to lick my wounds, let myself heal. I was still in ruins from that day and it was a lot harder building myself up without a best friend to lean on.

„I'm not in love with him. Nope. No way." I shook my head in denial, my bottom lip quivering.

„Yeah, you are. You weren't smitten off the bat, but you fell for him. That's why it hurts." Ethan reasoned with me and I pulled my knees closer to my chest.

„How did this happen?" I whispered.

„You two spent a lot of time together..shared intimate things. It all screams 'love story about to happen'." Ethan pulled me into a side hug, resting his head on mine.

„You can't tell him!" I pleaded, panicking about the possibility of Grayson finding out and rejecting me. I couldn't lose him.

„It's not my secret to tell. You should." He said and my eyes widened.

„You're crazy. This isn't some teenage movie where one falls in love with her best friend and fights for his attention with a blonde, popular chick and wins. It's real life. She's a model. I lose. That's how things work." I muttered bitterly.

„I think if you were to fight for him, there would be no contest."

Ethan's words have kept me awake for many nights, overthinking, planning, but I wasn't brave enough to do this. Especially after their date turned into a relationship. I got to their house and took my keys out to enter, but it felt a little odd to use the keys after I've been away for so long. Those keys insinuated a bond greater than we had at the moment, so I opted for a knock on the door.

Soon enough, the door swung open and I was met with the guy I couldn't stop thinking about. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, his left hand rubbing the back of his neck, a pensive smile on his lips.

„Why'd you knock? You have a key." He stated and I almost choked on my saliva.

„I forgot them?" I said, but it sounded more like a question than a statement and he saw that. Thankfully, he didn't ask more questions and we went inside.

„How have you been?" Grayson asked and I shrugged.

„Good. You?" Why was this so awkward? We're best friends, not strangers exchanging pleasantries!

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