10. Confused

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„Am I interrupting something?" Ethan questioned as we both jumped back. Awkwardly glancing at one another, we both shook our heads in response and Ethan exhaled loudly before leaving the room.

The kiss we shared barely lasted a second, but I could still feel his lips on my own. He took my hand, calling for my attention and I looked back at him.

„Should we pick up where we left off?" Grayson neared me with a small smile.

„We can't. I have a boyfriend and I'm not the type to cheat. This was a mistake." I spoke with a hint of sadness in my voice causing Grayson to flinch like I had struck him across the face.

„A mistake?" He scoffed, hurt written all over his beautiful features. I held back tears that threatened to spill any moment now.

„Grayson." I tried but he waved me off and left the room. I heard the front door slamming and those tears finally caught up with me. I put a hand over my mouth to stop the sobs that wanted to tear their way up to the surface.

„You two are idiots." Ethan spoke and I nodded.

„I didn't mean to say that." I choked. „I wanted to kiss him so badly. I just meant it was a mistake to kiss me while I have a boyfriend. I..." I couldn't talk anymore and Ethan took notice.

„Come here." He pulled me into a hug for the second time this evening and I leaned into the safety his arms provided.

„He's just hurt. It's gonna be okay." Ethan assured me, but I felt guilty for hurting him in the first place.

„I suck." I replied and Ethan chuckled.

„You both do...Why won't you just break up with Harry?" He questioned and I pulled away.

„Because he never once gave me a reason to doubt him while your brother seems to change his mind about me on daily bases. He didn't even show interest until I showed up with Harry. How can I trust his feelings are even real?" I rambled, wiping away my tears furiously.

„Then trust me. I can tell you without a doubt in my mind that he would lay down his life for you." Ethan's honesty took me by surprise.

„Even so.. If I just walked away from Harry I'd end up wondering what if. I don't want what ifs in my life." I nervously pulled at the hem of Grayson's shirt.

„I think your possible what ifs with Grayson could be a lot worse. Just think about it." Ethan pulled me into a side hug and guided me back to the living room. It took me a few minutes to calm down, but after I did I was ready to figure out our problem.

„Video time." I grabbed my phone and played the video.

„So..what are your theories?" Ethan questioned.

„Amber. She's the only one I can think of...after all she has a motive and she did say that Grayson was nothing without her..maybe she wanted to make sure of it." I replied.

„Wasn't her." Grayson spoke from behind me and I turned swiftly in the direction his voice was coming from. He was drenched from the rain, his hair slicked back, a few loose strands sticking to his forehead. His clothes outlined every muscle on his body making my brain go haywire.

„Why not?" Ethan asked what I wanted to, but couldn't as my mind was currently going into overdrive.

„I talked to her today. She clearly doesn't want to hear from me or of me." Grayson spoke, his eyes flickering to me before returning to Ethan. I clenched my jaw and narrowed my eyes at his words. I hated the thought of him talking to that snake ever again. If this was a Marvel movie, I'd be turning into Hulk right now...big blob of green from the jealousy that bubbled inside of me.

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