01. His Date

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Losing my wallet at the beach was probably the best thing that's ever happened to me. There are a few reasons to support that theory:

1. I got it back, completely untouched,

2. The person who gave it back is my favorite person in the world today,

3. That person is Grayson Dolan.

I never thought I'd get to meet the guys who have made Tuesday my favorite day of the week, let alone be in their inner circle. It's sort of a scenario you'd make up in your head before you fall asleep, almost too good to be true.

Grayson Dolan was the first guy that payed any attention to me. Sure, it was all friendly to him, but at the time I really needed someone and he happened to be there for me. I never expected him to be there when I couldn't sleep at night when my anxiety got really bad, but he was. He'd see me online and be at my doorstep in minutes. Sometimes he'd send me a snap to see if I was around, just in case if I needed him. It was endearing too see him care so much for someone he barely knew, almost impossible to believe.

I was sure that one day I'll wake up and it would all turn out to be nothing but a dream. When he'd fall asleep with his head in my lap, his arms clutching to me like I was his saving grace, I'd give myself a little pinch to make sure I wasn't hallucinating and that he was really there with me. It evoked feelings I never knew I was capable of and for a moment I didn't care about anything but the feeling of my fingers running through his hair. It gave me peace and I was content just laying sitting there, watching him sleep. He seemed vulnerable and I felt special for being one of those people he trusted enough to see him that way.

It felt surreal that this has become my life, snuggling to Grayson, playing Fortnite with Ethan, late night drives with the two where we'd grab some food and head to a lookout point. We'd watch the city lights and talk about what we all wanted out of life. Our hopes and dreams were laid out each time, the things we'd never speak about during the day would finally find their way to the world. I never had people who stood by me like these two did, ever. They gave me safe place to land to after a hard day and I wouldn't give it up for the world.

Truth is, it was impossible to spend so much time with people like them, like him, and not develop some deeper feelings. Before I even knew it, I had fallen in love with one of my best friends and I didn't know what to do.

I realized something was different when Grayson called me up to ask for some advice. Naturally, I got to his place and expected to find him a mess. I walked into his room without knocking and stopped dead in my track once I spotted him with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. He turned around and motioned for me to come in while I struggled to take a proper breath. Sure, I've seen him shirtless before, so why was I affected by this so much? I sat on the bed as he rummaged through his closet, his voice seemed like a distant echo while I watched his back muscles tense and relax under his movements.

„Hey, have you heard a single thing I just said?" Grayson asked breaking me out of my daze.

„Uh..No?" I say sheepishly and he smiles, shaking his head a bit.

„I have nothing to wear! You have to help me!" He exclaims and I cock and eyebrow, leaning back on his bed, using my elbows to support my weight.

„You sound like an eighteen year old girl, right now." I say with a smirk and he rolls his eyes.

„Please?" He begs and I pout my lips a little and look at the ceiling, pretending to think about it.

„Hmmm...Okay!" I jump from the bed, and head for his closet.

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