03. The Invitation

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„You almost got me killed!" I yell.

„Almost isn't the same as did. You're still alive!" Ethan exclaimed.

„Only because I'm more skilled than you!" I remark with a smirk.

„Ouch, that hurt, like, deep down." Ethan whines and I stifle a giggle.

„Getting hurt can sometimes be good for your health. You know I just want you to be healthy." I tease.

„Always thinking about what's best for me!" Ethan continues. If I could see him right now, he'd probably be sitting in nothing but his underwear, his face focused on the task before him, his tongue protruding a little. Unfortunately, I couldn't. We meet up three days a week, play Fortnite every day too. It's sort of a way for us to continue our friendship without his brother in it. There was a bunch of loud voices on the other line and Ethan was really quiet.

„You okay?" I ask, covering his ass, so he doesn't get killed.

„They're fighting." Ethan says and I bite my lip.

„Don't." I warn him and he sighs.

„Just thought you might want to know it's a daily occurrence." Ethan says quickly and I groan.

„I don't want to know. Remember rule number one? We both have it tattooed on us!" I remind him, rubbing the new tattoo over my waistband.

„Right." Ethan sighs again and I roll my eyes.

„I mean it. I don't want to know." I repeat.

It's been around two months since I've last seen or spoken to Grayson. I deleted all my social media to make sure I didn't see the two of them. Why go to such extremes as delete everything? Because every page I like is somehow connected to the guys and the content will keep coming at me, chipping away my soul and I refused to let it get to me.

Life was good for me. I got out more, did some new things. Ethan and I were tighter than ever, the tattoo serves as proof. It was my first tattoo and I was scared as hell, but Ethan held my hand through it all. I was really grateful to have a friend as caring as he was. Sure, it wasn't the same type of friendship like I had with Grayson, but he gave me comfort I needed.

„Okay. Got it." He replied.

„Wanna come over this Friday? I'm having a little party" Ethan asked and I paused the game immediately.

„Are you nuts?!" I screamed at him and a loud thud, followed by a groan came from his side of the line.

„I think my ears might be bleeding!" Ethan exclaimed and I snorted.

„Serves you right! You know I'm not coming near your house ever again. Why bother asking?" I reminded him of the little rant I already made him listen. I never once went there, just in case. I wasn't up for seeing Grayson, it was that simple.

„He won't be there till late. I already checked." Ethan reassured, but I didn't like the sound of it.

„I don't want to, E. Also, I kinda have plans with a friend that night." I rub my temples to soothe an oncoming headache.

„Bring the friend. I assure you, there will be no G. or the little B.B." Ethan chuckled at his own little insult. I'm not proud of it, but I laughed too. Ethan gave her a nickname Bitchy Barbie and refuses to call her by her actual name.

„Promise me."

„I do." He says and I release a shaky sigh. I wasn't sure if I was ready to see the house either, but I really missed it. It's funny, right? Missing four walls and a roof that aren't even yours...the thing is, that house held so many memories and it was like a proof that things between Gray and I were once real.

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