12. In the morning light

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I awoke to soft, silky sheets, and the morning light trickled in through the open window. Shedding myself of the remaining glimpses of a dream, my eyes were still shut as I soaked in the warmth of my covers before reluctantly letting my eyes see the sun's rays. I blink, close my eyes, and blink again. Streaks of sunlight penetrate the window and blind me. I sit up, drag my feet off the bed, and rub my knuckles onto my eyes. I stretch my arms above my head and yawn.

„Morning beautiful." A husky voice from behind scares me and I jump from the bed.

„Grayson?" I question, my brain unable to connect the dots so early in the morning.

„Yup!" He smiles and I finally seem to remember why I was here. I looked at the man before me and melted at the sight. He was wearing a green hoodie with pajama bottoms, his hair a tangled mess from the long night of holding me while I sobbed into his chest. He had dark circles under his eyes, but he didn't seem to mind them at all. In fact, it seemed like he relished in the fact he barely slept last night. A smile was evident on his pink lips and it seemed to radiate sunshine and butterflies like we were in a cartoon. This sleepy, handsome, fluffy man was happy to be right here, next to me. Waking up can be really harsh, especially if your dreams are better than reality, but I find my reality more magical than any dream I've ever had.

„I'm sorry I scared you last night." I mumbled, plopping down on the bed, my hands covering my face.

„I'm glad you came to me. I just wish you'd talk about what happened...that's what worries me." Grayson pulled my hands off my face and hovered over me. I looked at a small scar he had right between his eyebrows and the need to feel it with my fingers took over. I placed my finger on the faded white mark and gently traced it up and down. Grayson closed his eyes, releasing a small sigh as his lips curled upwards.

„WAKE UP!" Ethan's sudden interruption had us both jumping on the opposite sides of the bed, him falling down with a loud thud and a painful grunt. I put a hand over my chest to steady my breathing and closed my eyes to help myself calm down.

„Do you ever knock?!" I shouted and Ethan snickered.

„Do you ever stop making out?" Ethan sassed back with a cocked eyebrow. I grabbed a pillow and chucked it at his head, but he ducked and avoided the flying fluff that was meant to at least wipe that smirk off his face.

„Come on! Spill it!" Ethan jumped on the bed and Grayson managed to climb up as well.

„What?" I pretended to be oblivious, looking up at the ceiling, avoiding eye contact.

„You came to us at sundown shaking and crying which lasted the entire night. I've been waiting all night to find out who I need to murder." Ethan exclaimed and my smile faded away. I toyed with the sheets in my hands, pulling at them nervously until a hand overlapped mine and stopped my anxious behavior. I knew it was Grayson's hand without looking up..I'd recognize the touch of his hand on my skin no matter what.

„I broke up with Harry." I spoke quietly. The room was dead silent, no sound coming from either of them. Well, until both of them jumped up and shouted incoherent words like their favorite team just won the state championship.

„Best news ever!" Ethan danced around the room like the goof he is while Grayson put his hands on his head and looked at me with such joy I've never seen before. I giggled at their reactions with a slight shake of my head.

„So? What happened?" Grayson asked and I averted my eyes to the window. I kind of felt ashamed of how blind I was to who Harry truly was. I hated how I allowed him to fool me into believing he was anything but a creepy, jealous, psycho stalker.

„Oh...It just didn't work out...plus that photo of us didn't help either." I gulped and ignored Grayson's questioning gaze. I knew they could both sense it wasn't the whole story, but neither pushed me to say more and I was grateful for it.

„Yeah..that photo." Ethan trailed off, turning away from me and Grayson. I furrowed my eyebrows wondering why his mood turned sour, but a shake of Grayson's head told me I should leave it alone.

„Someone really wants to expose you." I spoke and Gray nodded.

„I don't mind that photo. It might be my best one yet." Grayson admitted with a panty-dropping smile and I blushed furiously.

„Shut up!" I checked him with a pillow over his head and he stared at me with an 'O' shaped face.

„Now you're gonna get it!" He jumped at me, grabbing me in one move and I found him on top of me within a second. He hovered over me, keeping my arms above my head, our faces only inches apart.

„Okay! I'm out!" Ethan ran out the room, but neither of us moved.

„Now what?" I teased, licking my lips as Grayson's face inched closer. This was it...he was about to kiss me!!! Out of nowhere, he dug his fingers into my sides, moving them quickly as I trashed around, laughing and screaming like a mad woman.

„GggRAYSoooN, SttooopppPP! Stop! Grayyy!" I tried to make him stop, but he only laughed and kept tickling me.

„I SWEAR I'LL KICK YOU WHERE THE SUN DOESN'T SHINE!" I shouted and he seemed to laugh at my threat so hard that he couldn't keep up this torture.

„You're so fucking cute." Grayson fell to the side, right next to me and took my hand in his.

„You're not so bad to look at either, Dolan." I replied and turned my head to him. He was already staring at me like a lost puppy who just found his owner and I couldn't help but giggle at this analogy.

„So...you chose me?" Grayson questioned and I rolled my eyes.

„You have a lot to make up for...I didn't make a choice of any kind yet.." I watched his smile grow wider with confusion. I just told him I wasn't letting him in yet and he still smiled?

„Go on a date with me then!" Grayson kissed my shoulder lightly and my heart skipped a beat.

„You aren't giving up, are you?" I smiled intertwining our fingers.

„Never. One date and I'll have your heart." Grayson played with a few loose strands of my hair.

„Your 'just try it once and you'll love it' pineapple pizza attempt failed. This might not be a sure thing." I pursed my lips.

„I didn't care for that pizza as much as I do for you. Please?" He tried batting his eyelashes like I do whenever I need something from him. I chuckled and nodded.

„I'll go if you stop doing that!"

„Deal." He smiled.


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