13. The date

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„When can I take this blindfold off?" I put a finger on my temple, annoyed with Grayson.

„Just a few more minutes." Grayson put a hand on my knee and instead of jumping up in fright I just smiled and leaned my head back.

The car stopped moving and my leg lost the comfort of Grayson's warmth without a warning.

„Take it off." I did as he asked and I recognized the place we were in immediately.

„The place I lost my wallet. The same beach!" I covered my mouth with a shaky hand, smiling through tears that threatened to spill.

„I thought we could visit the place that ended up bringing us together." Grayson rubbed a few soothing circles on my arm and motioned for us to leave the car.

„This is actually perfect. I mean I almost cried! You made me feel all soft inside...I hate it!" I joked and he pinched my cheek.

„Come on! I wanna catch a few waves with you today!" Grayson took my hand and led the way.

„I have nothing to wear." I complained and he chuckled.

„I might have gone through your wardrobe...picked out my favorite thing! Like your red bikini..." He trailed off and I playfully smacked his arm.

„You went through my underwear!" Blood came rushing to my face once the realization hit me.

„No need to thank me..It was my pleasure." He snickered and I smacked his arm again.

We quickly changed and Grayson rented two surfboards. The rhythm of the waves became the markers of time, not that either of us minded. We'd watch the swells, waiting for a big one to come. Every now and then, Grayson and I would engage in a splash war that he always used to come closer to me. We'd forget the surfboards, the ocean and the people around us as he would grab my waist, pulling me closer to him. I'd wrap my legs around him, one of my arms would hold on to his shoulder while the other always found it's way to his face. I'd watch the drops of water drip from his hair, down his already tan face, right back to the ocean. I was mesmerized by how beautiful he was. I know most men want to be called sexy and dangerous, but he was the definition of pure beauty and so much goodness in his heart that sometimes I could swear I saw angel wings and a halo above his head. That wing tattoo on his leg and his dangly earring were perfectly describing this ball of fluff and I never wanted to leave his arms again. Of course, I wasn't going to let him know that right away. It might be a little cruel, but he needs to atone for all the tears I spilled for him.Once we got out of the water and changed out of our wet clothes, I remained in my bikini top as I accidentally dropped my bra in a puddle of water. This bikini was sure to dry faster than the heavy, lacy fabric of my black bra.

„Are you cold?" Grayson questioned as we entered the car. I put my hand on the dashboard, using it to turn to this considerate human being I loved so much.

„A tiny bit." I nodded shyly and he already had his hoodie out and ready for me to wear. Just as I was about to put it on, he grabbed my arm and pulled it closer to his face inspecting it.

„When did you get a tattoo?!" He almost shouted in shock and I smiled at the look on his face. You see, if Harry did that, grabbed me all of a sudden and then shouted I'd flinch and get the urge to run...but when Grayson does that I just get a need to press myself against him and let him hold me until the day I die. I say the day I die, because I don't think I'd be able to live without him. I barely made it once, and he was walking and talking, completely okay...but if his heart stopped beating, I'm sure mine would explode in my chest, leaving nothing but desolation and an empty shell.

„A week after the Amber incident." I replied and he nodded.

„Rule #1?" He questioned.

„Don't be a bitch." I giggled.

„I'm not being a..." I stopped him with my index finger over his lips.

„It's from Fight club...the movie!" I reminded him and he smiled.

„Right...sorry. I like it." Grayson let me go and I sat back, putting my seat-belt on.

„It's about you. I needed to stop being a little bitch, I needed to stop hurting over you. So Ethan and I got this tattoo." I explained.

„Ethan was with you?" He gripped the steering-wheel a little tighter and I put a hand over his to help him relax.

„He was the only friend I had at the time...plus he is my best friend too." I add and Gray lets out a deep breath.

„Okay." He smiles and I lean my head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of my head and I turned a little to give him a small peck on his lower lip. He smiled like I had just given him a million dollars and it made me feel safe and giddy. I had him, that's the only thing that matters.

„I really had a lot of fun today." I say quietly, watching the sun set on the horizon as Grayson drove.

„Enough to forgive me?" He left a quick butterfly kiss on top of my forehead and I snuggled closer to him.

„Enough to go on a second date...and to your place tonight." I tease and he puts a hand around me.

„Sounds good to me." He whispers and I feel myself slowly falling asleep.

„No funny business, Dolan." I reply quietly and he chuckles.

„I promise." I drifted to sleep as his voice dispersed in the air.

I jumped at the sound of loud voices coming from somewhere near me. I opened my eyes quickly, only to find myself still in the car, in front of their house. I was confused and disoriented, wondering where Grayson is.

Leaving the car I turned around as the voices got louder. I could easily pick out Grayson's voice in the mix so I followed the sound. I gasped once I noticed who he was arguing with. Harry.

„There she is! Come here baby!" Harry called for me and I took a step back, averting my eyes to a very angry Grayson. Harry was terrifyingly calm, while Grayson was red in the face, his forehead vein out and pulsing as the anger rolled off him in waves.

„Gray...please step back." I spoke, my voice shaky just as the hand I reached out to him and held it before me, waiting for Grayson to take it.

„What is happening right now?!" Grayson questioned.

„Look, Gray, just go inside and call the cops." I ordered but he only looked at me in confusion.

„I don't understand." His voice was hoarse from all the yelling, his eyes focused on me.

I approached him slowly, eyeing Harry the entire time to make sure he wasn't planning something.

„Just trust me." I whispered, my hand placed on his cheek.

„Don't touch him!" Harry yelled and I flinched.

„Harry, please, leave." I pleaded, but the crazed look in his eyes told me the answer to my plea will go unanswered.

„I tried to get you away from him! I tried to be the perfect boyfriend! But you just kept on running back to him!" He shouted and I stepped beside Grayson, him putting an arm around my waist.

„What do you mean you tried to get me away from him?" I questioned.

„I posted that video hoping you two would fight about Amber again! I posted a photo of you two kissing thinking you'd be decent enough to apologize and I'd be the kind and loving boyfriend with a big heart who would forgive you!" I listened to his delusional monologue, trying to nudge Grayson gently so he'd go, but he just shook his head in response. He didn't want to leave me alone.

„But you know I'm not the one for you. You deserve someone better." I tried taking a small step ahead of Grayson, but his face twisted into a scowl.

„I do deserve better! But you don't deserve anything!" In a split second, Harry pulled out a shiny, metal gun and the next thing I heard was a loud, almost thunder like sound. A gunshot.

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