09. The sleepover

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I found myself in front of their door once more. After my previous two experiences, the thought of knocking on it put me on edge. I raised my hand, balling it up into a fist and prepared to connect it with the big obstacle before me, but before I did, the door swung open.

„Get in here! It's raining like crazy!" Ethan pulled me in, wrapping me into a big hug. Swaying a little, I allowed myself to hug him back. My hands found their way to his back, gripping at his white t-shirt. He put his chin on top of my head, relaxing a little as well.

Thunder roared outside and only then did I realize that there really was a storm outside. I must have been lost in my own thoughts to notice it before. I felt the sensation of wet clothes clinging to my body, hair dripping with water.

„You take these keys back, right now." Ethan said pulling away. He rummaged through a drawer until a metal clinging sound was heard. He took my hand, opened it and placed the key to their house on my palm. Just like that, the keys to the Dolan house became one of my most precious belongings, again.

„Wanna change?" Ethan asked and I looked up from the key in my still opened hand.

„Yeah." I smiled weakly.

„You know where our clothes are. Dig up something you like while I heat up this pizza." Ethan went into the kitchen while I trudged through their house. I stopped just outside Grayson's room, placing my hand and my forehead on the door like it would somehow connect me to him.

„Did you find anything?!" Ethan's voice made me flinch and I accidentally hit the door. It sounded like a knock and I hoped Grayson wasn't in there. I waited for a second, not moving a muscle like it would stop him from opening the door if he was there, holding my breath in suspense. After a few moments of no movements I exhaled in relief. The door suddenly opened and I my lips parted in shock. I probably looked like a fish on land, but Grayson's face shifted from confusion to the look he'd get on Christmas morning. He had a big grin on his face, his eyes were practically shinning.

„I thought you said you'll call, but I'm not complaining!" He teased and I felt blood rush to my face.

„I, uh, was looking for Ethan's room. Need a change of clothes." I quickly recovered and his face fell.

„Oh...silly me. I actually thought you came for me." Grayson shook his head in disbelief, turned around and walked into his room.

„Gray! Don't be like that." I followed him in against my better judgement.

„Like what? I'm fine." His voice said otherwise.

„I came over for a sleepover. Wanna join us?" I asked, ignoring a little voice in my head that screamed not to.

„I'd love to!" His face lit up again and I relished in the way the corners of his eyes crinkled whenever he smiled. I loved how his smile could change my mood instantly.

„I'm gonna get changed." I awkwardly shuffled to the door, but a hand on my shoulder stopped me.

„Take mine. I know you love my clothes." Grayson stated, the underlying message behind it clear to me.

„If you still have that black shirt and the red shorts...I will." I spoke and a smug smile spread across his face.

„It just so happens that I do. Get dressed. I'll be in the kitchen." He quickly pecked my temple and ran out the room, leaving me a blushing mess.

„He really is trying to kill me." I whispered, touching my temple where he pressed his lips against my skin.

I managed to get dressed, but it took me a little to pull myself together. I grabbed a pair of their DT socks and walked to the living room.

The pizza was prepared on the table, but neither of them were there.

„Guys?" I called out, not liking the silence. I walked to the kitchen, slowly, careful not to make a sound. I suddenly became hyper-aware of my surroundings, because this place was never this quiet. The guys never knew how to be silent, it was one of their main traits, so the eerie silence made me uneasy.

Thunder rumbled as a hand was placed on my shoulder and I jumped up, screaming like it was a horror film and I was about to be murdered.

„Hanna, it's just me! It's me!" Grayson put his hands up, which wasn't smart because my next move was to punch him in the gut.

„I told you I hate those pranks!" I shouted, my voice going a few pitches higher than I knew it could, while Grayson groaned loudly, doubling down in pain.

„I didn't mean to scare you! I heard you call from the bathroom, so I came running!" Grayson explained, still trying to catch his breath and I made on 'o' shaped face.

„Where the hell is Ethan?" I asked and he managed to stand up.

„He went out to help a girl he's been talking to with something. Said he'll be back by 11." He grumbled and I felt sorry for the low blow.

„Oh, since when does he like a girl and not tell me?...Also, sorry about the...you know." I motioned to his stomach and he chuckled.

„At least I know never to scare you again!" I nodded with a faint smile playing on my lips, noting how he shrugged off my question about Ethan. The older Dolan never kept any secrets from me and I didn't like it. I wanted him to be happy, but I felt like Amber left a minor mental scar with everything she caused, so I was worried history might repeat itself.

„Now what?" I nervously rubbed the back of my neck as I watched him check me out. His eyes traveled up and down my body so intensely it felt like he was touching me.

„Gray!" I snapped him out of it and he licked his lips, before answering. I knew his mind was in the gutter by the way he looked at me, loving the view of me in his clothes most likely.

„I can give you what I planned on giving you tomorrow!" Grayson said as he grabbed my hand and guided me back to his room.

„Why would you give me something tomorrow?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

„Told you I'm gonna fight for you." He answered in a 'duh' tone.

„Gray.." I tried but he cut me off.

„Don't say anything and open this!" He gave me a small, red box with a little bow on top. It was so small that I could only assume it was some form of jewelry. I sighed and pulled at the bow, opening the box. I couldn't help but gasp as I laid my eyes on two beautiful butterfly shaped earnings.

„It's....perfect. Ttthank yoou." I stammered as he clapped in excitement.

„I made the great Hanna stammer? I am so proud of myself now!" Grayson celebrated as I giggled.

„How'd you know?" I asked, raising an eyebrow as I traced the earrings pattern with my index finger.

„Well...I saw you looking at them...like six months ago. I was going to get them for your birthday, but your heart seemed more important to me." Grayson spoke like it was no big deal, but I was holding back tears. It was so thoughtful and caring that I was losing my 'cold as ice' facade really quickly.

„Put them on for me?" I spoke, my voice barely above a whisper. Grayson nodded and with a small smile he took one between his fingers. Pulling my hair back with one hand, he slowly took of the current earring off. Gently, he put the first one in, his eyes focused on the task before him while his tongue protruded slightly from his mouth. The other one took a little longer and I used that opportunity to watch his face, each line, each scar, every beauty mark. I missed doing this, I missed him. I felt when the clasp was secured, but neither of us were moving at all.

I noticed his eyes were back on my face, his face so close that I could feel his breath. My own breathing was shallow and fast, mimicking his as my heart picked up the pace. The feeling of his fingers on my cheeks almost made me flinch, but I stayed put, afraid to ruin the moment. I inched closer to him as his lips parted slightly. I craved those soft, plush lips more than the oxygen I breath and I felt my defenses crumble as they were finally placed upon mine.

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