04. The Party

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„I'm gonna kill Ethan." I muttered as my eyes focused on an angry Grayson. My heart dropped at the sight of him. I felt like the world was spinning, almost like a panic attack, but I couldn't move.

I looked at him as his jaw clenched, his eyes narrowed just like the last time we saw each other, except he wasn't giving me this look. He was staring down my date, Harry. I wanted to grab Harry and run out of there, but I refused to give him or HER the satisfaction of running me out of this house once more.

„So, what ARE YOU doing here?" Amber's lips moved to form a sly smile making her beautiful face twist into a super-villain grin.

„I was invited by my best friend, Ethan!" I said proudly as I stared her down. I wasn't going to give into her taunting.

„I thought Grayson was your best friend." She said coyly. My fists clenched, the urge to punch her was almost overwhelming. If this was a cartoon, I'd be fuming visibly for the world to see. However, this was real life, where I could hide the anger and the pang of hurt she caused with her words behind a fake smile that has been practiced to perfection in the past four months.

„I thought so too. However, you showed me that wasn't true, so THANK you Amber. Enjoy the night." I remarked, ignoring Grayson and the feeling of his eyes on me. Taking Harry by the hand, I moved deeper into the crown and prepared for all the questions he had for me.

„That seemed intense." He placed his hands on my hips and pulled me closer. I put one hand around his arm, the other one around his neck. We were standing pretty close, with no space between us.

„You have no idea. I don't really want to talk about it tonight." I reply and move to the sound of music surrounding us. The music moves me like I'm a puppet on strings, like a drug that brings me higher, higher until my mind buzzes with pure joy. The joy is like a shot of adrenaline to the heart and all at once I'm moving, one with the music, one with every crazy person dancing in this place. I needed this feeling, this rush, so I didn't think about the boy who made me want to scream and cry. I came so far these past few months and I felt like someone just hit the reset button and tore out my heart all over again.

The music, dancing...it drowns out the pain, the guilt I felt for thinking about someone else while I'm dancing with a guy who actually cares for me. There's so much sweat on my skin and not all of it's mine. I could go like this all night long, feet moving to the crazy beat like they belong to the music. I move in my dress like my hips were made to sway. Turning around, I made the mistake of looking around as I felt Harry pull me back against his chest as we sway to the rhythm.

My eyes found his instantly and the way he looked back made me breathless. The eyes that stared back at me were as brown as the beer bottle in his hand. Since when did he drink? I wanted to look away, but I couldn't tear my gaze away. I felt one of Harry's arms wrap around my waist, while the other hand trailed it's way from my left hip, down my tight. I could feel his warm breath as he buried his face in the crook of my neck and started leaving sloppy kisses. If this had happened before I saw Grayson, I'd probably relish the feeling, but right now, as I held eye contact with the guy I loved, the feeling of being groped by someone other made me feel disgusting.

Grayson took a big sip of his beer as Amber approached him, swaying her hips seductively. She tried to kiss him, but he moved away and that prompted a fight between the two. I hated the little tingle of joy I got when I saw them going at it, but can you really blame me? I wanted what's best for him, even if it wasn't me. I'd find a way to live with it, but she wasn't the one for him. I hoped he'd realize it before it was too late.

I turned back around and grabbed Harry by the collar pulling him to my lips. I needed to get this frustration out of my system, to get my mind off of it all. The kiss helped before, I hoped it would do it's magic again.

It worked...not as effectively as before, but I focused on the feeling of his lips moving against mine, the minty fresh breath he always seemed to have. It was a nice feeling..to be wanted by someone and not wonder if you're good enough.

Our kiss turned into a full make out session in the middle of the dance floor, but I couldn't care less. I had to find a way to make myself feel better, to clear up all the mess inside my head. If I didn't allow myself to get so lost in the kiss, I might have stopped what was about to happen.

I might have seen Grayson push Amber off his lap and throw the empty beer bottle on the floor, smashing it into pieces. I might have seen Ethan grabbing at Grayson in panic as Amber shouted at him. I might have seen Grayson stomping his way to the dance floor. I might have seen it before I felt Harry being ripped off me and thrown back into the crowd.

„What the hell man?!" Harry shouted and I stood there in shock as my ex best friend stared at me, ignoring the guy he pushed away.

„Why did you do that?" I asked, my voice eerily calm for the situation I found myself in.

Grayson opened his mouth a few times, but closed it every time, without a word leaving his lips. I watched him as his face softened, his bottom lip trembled.

„Dude, get away from her!" Harry intervened mistaking the situation as potentially dangerous. It was dangerous, just not for me. In one swift move, Grayson turned around and punched Harry, hard. My date fell to the floor as I cover my mouth in shock.

„Look what you made him do, you slut!" Amber screamed at me, pushing me back. I didn't have time to react, because for once, Grayson did.

„Get the hell out of my house!" He spoke looking at the floor. I figured he'd take her side, AGAIN. I grabbed Harry by the hand, pulling him up. I ignored her vicious smirk and Ethan's defeated look as I turned to head for the door, but a voice I loved so much spoke up and my heart clenched at the words that came out of his mouth.

„Not you, Hanna. Amber. Leave and don't come back."

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