11. A poem

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The sound of my doorbell woke me up. I tried to ignore it, but whoever it was seemed to be very persistent. Groaning, I got up and opened the door. A very eager looking man with a huge bouquet of wild flowers greeted me and I almost slapped the smile off his face.

„Special delivery for Mrs. Forbes!"

„From who?" I groggily asked rubbing my eyes.

„The same man who said I should keep ringing until you opened the door!" He chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

„Fine. Give it." I took the flowers and sent the man on his merry way.

I placed the bouquet on my kitchen island and watched how it was carefully put together. The flowers were arranged in rainbow colors, their scent filled the room and I couldn't help but smile. I saw a piece of white paper sticking out and just as I grabbed it, my phone rang.

„Yellow?" I picked up the phone and got a chuckle in return.

„Can't believe you still pick up the phone like that!" Grayson teased and I rolled my eyes playfully as my lips curved up in a small smile.

„Deal with it!" I sassed back.

„Got my gift?" He questioned and I pursed my lips.

„Should have know it was you. No one else knows I claim rainbows as my favorite color." I sighed, trying to untie a small red ribbon off the note.

„Did you read the note?" Grayson's voice was light, laced with excitement.

„I'm trying to open it now." I responded with a small grunt and he laughed.

„It's supposed to be a note that will leave you looking like a beautiful blushing mess." Grayson teased and I shook my head lightly as my smile became a little wider.

„So sure of yourself? Are we?" I leaned in to smell the flowers, enjoying the way it took me back to nature and meadows, relaxing me instantly.

„You know it! I'll see you later Forbes!" Grayson hung up before I could respond.

I ripped of the ribbon and unfolded the note as quickly as possible.

Your beauty is divine, you laugh my favorite sound.

The way you make me feel is simply too profound.

I wish you'd forgive me for being so blind,

But I hope you know I always had you on my mind.

I'm just a clueless teenager,

But you my dear are a fucking force of nature!"

- Yours truly, Grayson xx

Oh my God! He wrote a poem for me? He wrote a poem for me. HE WROTE A POEM FOR ME! How does he keep doing this to me? He's not trying to kill me anymore, this has been my funeral! How the f...How... Oh GOD!

From: Harry

Gonna pick you up in 15.

Shit! I forgot! I ran around and grabbed the first thing I could find to make myself look somewhat decent. I kicked Grayson's clothes under the bed and hid his poem under my pillow. I heard a honk and ran out with a fake smile on my face.

Without a warning Harry pushed his lips on mine, pulling me into his chest a little harshly. I used my hands to give him a gentle push, hoping he'd back off. Thankfully, he got the message and pulled away.

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