cold coffee.

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this is the story

it was a girl similar to you
kinda shy, kinda cute
she was strong, but selfless and
she's been through a lot

then she met someone special for the first time since ever
and they went on a date, they fell for another
if you'd ask me,
it was already meant to be as they sat down for their first coffee

I remember her laughing
more than anything,
cause they shared the same crazy, stupid humor,
shared more than just one night to be together

it seemed to be the beginning of a joyful lifetime
they talked about a future,
about dreams,
chatted with their heads already traveling around the world
it was like
they've just found a place to
settle down their hearts

life is cruel

was it life?

and this girl similar to you
kinda shy, kinda cute
was strong, but selfless and
she's been through even more
as her love just disappeared
as fast as she began

and now
I miss her laugher,
I miss her leaving for a date in their favourite café
I wish there'd be another one with another first coffee,
someone who's not leaving for the first time in her life

that coffee went cold
and that's it

maybe we need to realise that
finding love
means to lose it first sometimes

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