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After that night neither of us spoke of our time apart, we never brought her up again. 

I felt confident that what was going on was ended between them.

Even if it wasn't no pain was worse than not having him.

We saw each other every single day and he stayed in my room twice a week. 

He told his roommate that he had a girlfriend that lived right off campus that he was always visiting.

It still hurt to know that he would never be honest with anyone about us, but as long as I had him nothing mattered.

I could tell that he was still ashamed of himself, of us. 

He promised me he was getting better but I could see that it was a battle the both of us would be fighting forever.

I wanted to believe that it would change one day but it just got worse one night two months into school.

It was then that I realized we would always be masked by his fear and shame.

That night Louis was going to a party. He begged me to go with him but I hated the whole college party thing. He insisted that I join him but I declined. 

"I'm going to give you the address just in case you change your mind," he said while kissing me goodbye.

I debated going for an hour and decided against it.

Right before I was getting into bed I changed my mind.

I found the small piece of notebook paper that he had written the address on and made my way to the bus stop.

I didn't want to tell him I was going, I wanted it to be a surprise.

Once I found the right apartment I was nervous walking in. Louis was the only person I knew there.

Two girls pushed their way passed me to leave and I entered through the front door.

The loud sound of music was coming from the basement and I headed down the stairs.

A bunch of unfamiliar faces swarmed my vision along with clouds of smoke and flashing lights.

I searched for his face as I pushed through crowds of people.

Before I knew it I harmlessly bumped into someone.

"Watch where you're going faggot," he roared.

I blinked a few times before answering, "I'm sorry."

"You better be sorry," his hand pushed into my chest and I sadly stumbled over my own feet and fell to the ground.

As I stood to my feet I began to walk away.

"You're just gonna walk away pussy?" he screamed.

He drew quite some attention to us while people began to gather around to watch.

"Harry?" I somehow heard my name over the music.

Louis rushed to the scene after watching what happened.

Before I could blink he had his hands around the guys neck.

He wouldn't stop. Punch after punch until he was on the ground.

I hoped to scream for him to stop but my voice was low and dry.

"You fucking faggot," he said to Louis between punches.

"Lou," I pulled him away from his body.

"Better listen to your boyfriend and get the fuck away from here," he mocked us.

"I'm not fucking gay," Louis screamed.

I pulled him by his arm outside. He was out of breath and his hands were still made into a fist.

He followed me as I pulled him as far away from there as I could.

"Babe," I sighed while rubbing my hand on his.

"Don't," he warned me. 

I kept quiet while we walked to the bus area.

"Can we talk about this?" I asked while we waited for the bus.

"No," he declined.

"I'm sorry," I was unsure of what I was apologizing for.

"You should have stayed home," he said under his breath.

"I know," I agreed ignoring the fact that I was invited by him.

"Where the fuck is this bus?" he asked while admiring the cuts along his knuckles.

"Be patient," I breathed.

Once we were back at the room he told me he wasn't staying.

"Please stay?" I asked.

He shook his head.

"I need to think about this," was his excuse.

"Please don't run away again," I whispered while he was already gone. 

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