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One month had gone by since that last morning at school.

I hadn't seen Louis yet but we talked every single day.

He would call me every night before going to sleep and remind me that I was the only person he ever needed.

I began working my summer job to make some extra money. It was a nice distraction from missing him.

The first time we saw each other since that day was incredible.

He lived about an hour from me and he decided he wanted to spend the weekend at my house.

"What will you tell your parents?" I asked him when he presented the idea.

"Don't worry about that, I have it all figured out," he answered sternly.

I waited for him to arrive like a kid waited for presents on Christmas.

My mom had agreed to spend the weekend at her sisters so we would have the house to ourselves.

I sat on the front porch and the warm sun soothed my nerves.

Once I saw his car coming down the road I jumped up.

He pulled into my long driveway and stepped out of the car.

He looked so different, so beautiful.

He had a cigarette hanging off his lip.

When he had noticed me standing there he tossed it to the ground and rushed over to me.

Our kiss lasted just long enough.

"That's new," I pointed to the stomped out cigarette.

"Do you mind?" he asked in a low voice.

"Of course not," I smiled.

He grabbed a small duffle bag full of clothes from the backseat and followed me into my house.

His eyes lit up as he admired everything.

"This house is incredible," he said.

I gave him a quick tour and took him to my bedroom.

"So this is where you touch yourself to the thought of me every night," he joked and my cheeks flushed.

He didn't waste another minute before he threw me down onto my bed.

We made the most passionate love and as soon as we were finished he wanted more.

After that we just laid with each other.

"I am so happy I'm here," he said while twirling two fingers through my curls.

"Me too."

"Have anything planned for the weekend?" he asked.

I nodded.

I wanted to take him to all of the places that I used to hangout growing up.

There were so many places that I wanted him to see.

At that moment all I wanted to do was be with him in my bed.


The rest of the weekend went by too fast. I took Louis to this small coffee shop where my friends from home and I always hung out.

They had a live band that night and Louis was really into it.

It was magical to watch the light in his eyes while he took in each note, tapping his fingers against the table.

Afterwards I took him on a nice long hike at the most beautiful place about ten minutes from my house.

He complained the whole time but he was so damn cute while doing it.

We were both covered in dirt and sweat by the end of it, I was tired myself.

"Admit it was really beautiful," I whined while we walked back to the car.

"You are really beautiful," he teased.

The sun was going down as we drove down the mountain and I couldn't remember a time in my life where I felt more content.

Once we got back to the house it was nearly dinner time.

We showered together and cleaned up quickly.

"Now it's my turn to take you somewhere." His words surprised me.

"Where?" I asked.

"Just get in the car kiddo," he laughed.

I happily obliged.

He pulled out a GPS and wouldn't let me see where we were going.

I was shocked when we pulled into the lot of one of my favorite places to eat.

"How did you know? Are you okay with this?" I asked a ton of questions.

"I know everything, and no. I was gonna see if you could run in and take it to go," he joked.

He came around to my side of the car to open my door and my heart melted.

The dinner was delicious but the best part of it all was being with Louis.

That was the best part of everything.

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