Chapter 1 The Fairy Queen's Grave

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Ahhhhh! Damn you Pervy Sage!" A young male boy in his early teenage years, 12 or 13 at the most shouted in horror as he sailed down towards the ground. This boy was Naruto Uzumaki, and he was falling down a cavern to his death. The wall of the cavern being filled with slippery and wet spikes that no amount of energy would let him cling to. Naruto Uzumaki was a young boy just at the start of his puberty years with bright blond hair that shined like the sun, and crystal clear blue eyes. His skin was naturally tan, and his cheeks were adorned with three thin lines on each cheek, much similar to the whiskers on a cat or a fox would be. He wasn't that tall, infact he was rather short for his age being only 4 feet and 8 inches tall in height at the moment, just being at the start of puberty and not having hit a big growth spurt and all.

His diet didn't help with those matters.

His favorite food was ramen, so the nutritions he needed to grow just weren't there. His body hadn't really started growing just yet, but without a change in diet his next growth spurt wouldn't be what it could have been. Of course, he loved ramen way to much to care about this.

He wished he had a bowl of ramen right now.

Naruto Uzumaki wore what many thought of as an eyesore for a ninja like him to wear, well he would tell them to fuck off. He wore an orange track suit with a high white collar and blue shoulders, even the pants were bright orange. He had blue shinobi sandels that left his toes exposed, but allowed for greater foot manuvering, thus being better for battle despite the open toes being a slight weakness. Yet, even in his orange he had still snuck up on and surprised even higher level ninjas, using his own stealth skill to his advantage, sneaking around for pranks having taught him how to do so without getting caught.

He could seriously use a bowl of ramen right now, before he died when he splattered on the bottom of the cavern floor... because his newest teacher thought it would be a good idea to get him to use the chakra, inner energy, of the creature that was sealed inside of him at his own birth. Well fuck him, Naruto would escape this... long fall by himself without the help of some stupid fox! Naruto reached out for one of the spikes on the wall, before he yelped in pain when had his right eye cut cleanly through.

He covered his face in agony, blooding pouring out of the whole in his eye. He shouted out in pain, npot even able to focus now that his eye had been gouged out by the spike on the wall, but his own survival filling him to the brim with a need to not die, Naruto surpassed his pain for the moment, shock helping him get over his missing eye, and apparently the deep cut on the palm of his hand. He was still falling towards the bottom of the giant and very deep trench in the ground, so using the blood on his hand, he started to go through strange signs with his hands, before he summoned his chakra and placed it under him.

A tadpole... a tadpole appeared in mid-air under him, before it vanished in a poof of smoke to leave Naruto to die alone.

"Oh come ON! I don't want to die like this! Not before I finally beat that bastard Sasuke! Not before I kick Neji's ass! Not before I get Sakura-chan to give me a kiss!" Naruto shouted almost comically as he plummeted towards his doom down below. He was missing an eye, and he could feel the blood seeping down his face. For some reason, the cut on his face was already gone as a flood of energy filled his body for a brief moment, and then like it was never there to begin with, it was gone, leaving Naruto a little more tired than before.

New check list, his eye was gone, but his wasn't bleeding anymore from his face or his hand. Not really useful when he was going to DIE by splattering on the ground.

Naruto looked down into the darkness below, and taking off his awesome orange jacket, Naruto threw it down below onto one one of the spikes down below. Naruto took out two kunai from his pouch and tied ninja wire around them, before he threw them and impaled his jacket with them. The kunai stuck to the jacket, going through it and into the stone, before he passed them and continued to fall down. Using his chakra in his hands to stick to the wire, Naruto jerked and popped his shoulder out of place, before he grinned when he saw he was hanging in the air, no longer falling to his death either. He was just swinging back in forth, hanging by one arm.

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