Chapter 55 Burn Baby Burn

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Naruto walked through the streets of Magnolia hanging on Levi's arm lightly, the twoof them walking together with no real destination in mind. They wanted to find a romantic place so that they could have their date, but sadly, that place could not be the guild. Thier relationship made some people feel... awkward when they saw what looked like a little Erza dating Levi. To everyone that didn't believe Naruto's gender, 95 percent of the guild, Levi and Naruto were in a homosexual relationship.

They weren't against it, but it was awkward for some of them to see without getting... excited in more ways than one.

Cana had even set up a betting board for when Naruto and Levi would... do the do as it were.

Levi had blushed crimson, and broken the betting board. Naruto was just confused as to what 'the do' was, and why Levi was so embarassed about it. She hadn't, and still wasn't, telling him what was so bad about the do. He figured it was something embarassing or sexual, but nobody was confirming it for him. Ghost Erza was surprisingly silent, though she was still gathering herself together. She had just healed up from being split into hundreds of pieces, and then coming back together rather slowly.

If she had been human, she would have died... but she was a ghost.

"Cake shop, take your girl to a cake shop." Ghost Erza's voice whispered in his ear, and Naruto twitched.

Now he wanted cake.

"Oooh, that place looks nice." Levi said as she and Naruto started to walk towards a small shop, it was a bookstore, and when they walked in they both saw that the place was rather dusty. Naruto looked at the side of the door, and noticed that this place was actually a small library, so Levi wouldn't actually be able to buy the books. She was already super excited about being in the store, and Naruto just went along with it.

"Sorry, but I'm not the most... avid of readers." Naruto apologized to his girlfriend with a sorry look on his face.

"You just haven't found the right genre yet, what kind of stuff do you like... Horror?" Levi asked as she looked at Naruto, and she almost cracked up when she saw that Naruto's knees were shaking the second she brought up that genre of story. She cracked up even more when she saw how pale his face was, and how his eyes were tearing up at the corners.


Oh yeah, she had almost forgotten about Naruto's fear of the supernatural, so the horror genre would really freak him out. Despite having a ghost in him, he was still extremely scared of ghosts and everything to do with that genre. That made her totally want to take him to a horror movie and scare the crap out of him, making him hang all over her... and then she could make a move and they could have a rather intense, passion filled, and loving kiss where she comforted his fears.

"I... don't do really well with that stuff." Naruto told her, and she nodded and they walked over towards a shelf of books. Levi started to browse through the books, while Naruto just hung off her arm with a satisfied expression on his face. A nice, slow, and romantic date like this was needed for their relationship. He and Tenten never got anything like this, because he had to leave the village the very next day after they started dating... and then there was the fact that he missed about 4 years of time, as their 1 year age gap became a 5 year one... physically that is.

"Oh, nice and thick with lots of pages... Comedy/Romance too... want to read it with me?" Levi asked, and Naruto looked at her for a second.

"My eyes are still blurry, I can't read right now." Naruto told her sadly. He just came in here because she wanted to come, he couldn't actually read right now. His eyes were readjusting again, just like how he couldn't read for a few days after he had gotten his eye replaced the first few times around. He didn't need to read anything, but it was extremely hard for him to just try and read.

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