Chapter 50 In your face Cana!

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"Elfman... is your head okay?" Mirajane asked with a raised eyebrow when her younger brother sat down in front of the counter with a large and 'manly' smile on his face. She couldn't help but sweat a little when she saw the condition that Elfman was in, or rather what was hanging from the back of his head with an angry expression.

Elfman was unlucky enough to have been turned into Naruto's chew toy.

Naruto was literally hanging from Elfman by his teeth, through the method of biting Elfman on the head.

"Just an MANLY as it always does." Elfman told her with a thumbs up. Mirajane started to sweat a little when she saw that Naruto was actually growling at Elfman.

"Did you happen to talk to Naruto-chan earlier today?" Mirajane asked him, trying to get the story out of Elfman, since Naruto didn't seem to be able to talk right now. She knew that she should be concerned about this, but she was just so... well confused about the why of the situation that she didn't know if she should help or not.

"Yes, and I was impressed. Naruto-chan is a manly and delicate flower." Elfman complimented, and with that Mirajane's mouth formed a perfect O shape when she realized what he had done.

He had annoyed Naruto.

"Those... were your exact words... right?" Mirajane tried to dig a little deeper. She noticed that people were starting to laugh at Elfman, who didn't seem all that fazed by Naruto biting him. Levy was grabbed Naruto by the legs and attempting to pull Naruto down, while Naruto bit deeper than before. Yet Elfman's skull seemed to be made of something extremely dense, so the white haired man felt nothing of the bite... or if he didn't he wasn't bothered by it.

"Well... now that you mention it. I might have also complimented the manly way that she reminds me of a tomato... I do love manly tomatos." Elfman said with a warm and fuzzy aura about him. Mirajane palmed her face when Naruto's eyes became comically enraged and crunching sounds started to be heard from her as he attempted to bite harder than before. At this point Levy had gotten a group of people to help her pull Naruto down from Elfman.
Natsu and Gray were grabbing Naruto by his thighs, and pulling hard on him with looks of anger at how hard it was to pull him down. Cana and Lucy were both grabbing him a little under the knee and pulling on him with all their might, not helping all that much either. Levy had even recruited Makao and Wakaba to join in, with the two men looking extremely happy to help... Levy sweat dropped when she noticed that where they happened to be looking while pulling on his ankles happened to be up Naruto's skirt. She sweat dropped and reminded herself to take a picture of how these two reacted when they learned about what gender Naruto was. She herself had grabbed ahold of the bottom of his shoes and was pulling so hard that she was leaned back with her shoes dug into the floor.

Mirajane leaned around Elfman and saw the ground of 7 people trying and failing to rip Naruto from Elfman.

"You are sure that you aren't in any pain?" Mirajane asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Woke up with a headache, and took some really powerful pain killers by mistake. I am numb to everything right now... pretty manly don't you think!" Elfman shouted out with a grin on his face.

"Yeah... that is manly alright." Mirajane agreed awkwardly, while Naruto opened his mouth and was ripped away from the group of people behind him. Naruto landed on top of the pile of people that ended up falling to the ground. The young red head was sitting cross legged on the group of people, looking very displeased with Elfman for nothing being able to feel what he had been doing.

'Stupid white haired people with face scars... this guys like Kakashi and Bushy Brow-sensei had a gay love child together.' Naruto thought with his arms
crossed. Naruto felt something pressed up against his butt, and looked down to see that he was sitting on top of a group of people. He raised an eyebrow, before he started to get up and dust himself off. He shrugged, not really caring what the deal with that was, before he started to walk over to the job request board to see if he could find a good job for the day.

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