Chapter 11 The Patient Snake Strikes

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"So this is Hitome Town huh... I expected it to be bigger." Naruto said as he walked with Team 8 towards a fast approaching town. They had woke up a few hours ago fromn camping the night before, and now they were close to the town itself, close enough so that they could see a small farming town with only maybe a couple dozen differen wooden buildings. Even from their spots at the edges of the forest they could roaming cattle and sheep in the fields. Team 8 and Naruto started to run towards the town as a reasonable speed, running towards the town with Kurenai in the lead, followed by Naruto and then Hinata and Kiba, with Shino being the slowest and trailing behind them.

"Not all towns can be big." Kurenai told Naruto as she looked back at him. The ground managed to get closer to the town in no time, and when they got on the road going through the middle of the small town they started to walk at a normal pace instead of running like their lives depended on it. When they were walking, they noticed that a lot of the people were carrying crude weapons and other such items on their bodies. Kurenai turned to Naruto, before she pointed over towards the crops. "Okay, Naruto, while I go and check out the client I want you to investigate and see if you can identify the animal that has been on a rampage. Team 8, you go ask around town to see if anyone else has seen anything recently." Kurenai ordered, and following her orders they all jumped into action.

Naruto seperated from the group and started to run towards the field. Naruto passed by civilians on the way towards the field, but with his speed being above that of a normal human he was able to cross the distance pretty easily. Naruto didn't have any trouble getting to the field, and people didn't pay much attention to the cross dressing boy running passed them at a speed that sent dirt into the air behind him as he rushed to the other end of the field. Naruto wasn't even slightly winded from all the running he had done that day, even as he gopt to the other side of the field in a few minutes.

It was a large field.

"I rushed all this way out here, and I don't even know what to look for." Naruto realized with a sweat drop when he looked around the wheat field. He had no idea what signs he should be looking for, and frankly, he was concerned that even if he saw something that he wouldn't think of it as a clue. Naruto scratched the back of his head, wondering if Erza would be able to offer some insight on this... to bad he didn't know how to call her out of his body by his own will. So far she only came out when she wanted to come out.

She came out when she wanted to, and not when he did. He just wished that she didn't come out when he was in the bath. It was awkward enough she watches him sleep, awkward but handy for sneak attack, but awkward all the same.

Though, she might just be letting him try and solve this one on his own. Naruto looked towards one of the field workers, before he started to run over to the middle aged man. The man had brown hair and eyes, the normal color for the Land of Fire, and rather fair skin. The man was burly, being that he was larger than 6 feet tall and a good few feet wide. He had on a wife beater for a top, and pants rolled up into shorts for bottoms. The man saw Naruto coming over to him, before he smiled and waved at Naruto the second he saw the headband that was tightly wrapped on his forehead.

"What can I do for you son?" The man asked, completely ignoring the skirt Naruto wore. He could see the fire of a manly youth in Naruto's eyes, and to a farmer like him he didn't understand or try and understand the ways of a ninja. He learned to accept the weird things he saw a ninja do with a gain of salt.

"Hey, do you know what animal has been attacking the fields?" Naruto asked bluntly, and the man took a second to think about it... he took a second to long when Naruto grabbed the man by the front of the shirt and pulled him into a headbutt. The man went out like a light and fell to the ground with a thump, his eyes rolled up into the back of his head as a bruise formed on his forehead. Naruto blinked at what had just happened, before he shrugged it off and went towards the next man that hadn't seen what had just happened.

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