Chapter 43 Naruto and Erza's Bond

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"Hey Erza... are you sure it is okay for him to be in here?" Levy asked with a raised eyebrow when she saw the sight of a naked Erza Scarlet washing the hair of an also naked Naruto Uzumaki. Naruto was sitting in between Erza's crossed legs, with her breasts pressing against his shoulders. He didn't seem the least bit affected by this thought as he washed his arms off with the soap. They were all currently inside of the Fairy Hill's dorm, a normally female only building. The group bath was easily larger than the entirety of Naruto's old apartment, with half of he bathroom being a large and fancy pool-like bath that Levy was mostly submerged into.

Levy wasn't shy about being nude in front of the Erza-looking boy. To her it was like bathing with a young Erza again, even if she was jealoud of the fact that Naruto seemed to have a bigger chest, or about the same size with his smaller body making them look bigger, then she had. Though she was still rather comfy in the warmed up water the bath provided from the statue that seemed to be constantly pouring steaming hot water into the bath.

"This is the best place to talk without being overheard, and he does not seem like other guys... or look the part." Erza admitted, and while she WAS a stickler for the rules, she already had a warm spot in her heart for the younger boy. Apparently, it was their similar looks and the fact that he was her Ghost's Apprentice from the future that had made her trust him so much. With his looks assisting him situation with being included in the bath, and the fact that she felt like she was looking into a mirror to the past just by washing his growing red hair... which had grown down to his shoulders since he had started his training trip.

Naruto was going to have to start using one of his Mom's hairpins to keep it out of his face.

"Yeah, in the future me and Erza-sensei always bathed together... though she didn't need a bath, and couldn't touch the water." Naruto said out loud with a furrowed brow.

Maybe it was the thought that she was cleaning up that Erza had liked.

"Nude encounters and healthy skinship is important for a Teacher and Student to bond." Erza admitted, with Levy looking more convinced at how the two seemed to have similar principles on this matter. That or Erza had taught Naruto of her ways in the future.

"It's a shame that Fuu didn't want to join us here." Levy mused out loud. She would have liked to talk with the girl about her age, with breasts even smaller than her boobs. It would be nice if she could meet one girl her age with a smaller chest than her. Being surrounded by the breast monsters that were her guildmates, she had always felt a little insecure about her breast size. The fact this boy seemed to be more gifted than her was annoying, but she couldn't really hate him for it.

It seemed that his body had combined with parts of Erza in the future, so her genetics had changed him more than a little into what he was now.

The Trap God(dess).

"It can't be helped, she said she would prefer to let Fairy Tail member bond together... and that she didn't want to intrude." Naruto told them. He WAS now an active member of Fairy Tail, since he bore a genuine guild mark on his body and was in the time when Fairy Tail was still active. With no real Fairy Tail in the future, he had been the only living member, ghost Erza didn't count as a living member.

"Can't be helped... so how did you and Erza meet in the future again?" Levy asked with a raised eyebrow. She wanted to hear the story for herself with more detail than before.

"Well, the the future I am a ninja... I am a ninja now too a I guess, but ninjas replace mages in the future. I was training for a test to Rank myself up and get a promotion to Chunin. This Pervert was training me how to summon Toads-" Naruto said, with Erza rinsing his hair off while rubbing it with some affection.

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