Chapter 60 The Cycle of Tora

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"I'm gonna cut you SO much." Naruto said with a demented grin on his beautiful face. Naruto edged closer towards a small brown cat with strange markings over it's body, and around it's neck was a bright red collar. Naruto and Erza both move towards the cat, swords in hand in case the thing tried to jump at them. They had been chasing this cat for over 8 hours now, and both were covered in a layer of sweat.

Even the Flight Armor didn't help with catching this fucking cat.

At first, the ONLY person that wanted to aboslutely murder this cat had been Naruto.

At first that is.

Then Erza had started to want to murder the cat when the damn rat in disguise had tried to claw her eyes out. She had her right eye closed at the moment, with some scratch marks over it. She was humiliated to say that a cat had gotten the better of her, her entire body was dripping with sweat, and the scratch marks were only lightly pink, showing they didn't pierce deep enough to even bleed... still hurt like a bitch to have a cat claw at your eye.

"I have never wanted to murder a cat as much as I do now... not counting Happy." Erza growled out, since even she sometimes got the urge to kill the happy blue cat known as Happy. Love the little guy or not, sometimes you just wanted to wring his little neck... wait, that cat didn't even have a neck to choke.

Oh well, she would choke the life out of THIS cat and pretend it was Happy, kill two birds with one stone.

"You thought you were clever, hiding in an alley with those other cats... but we got you." Naruto said with a dark grin growing darker on his face. Both he and Erza had their eyes glowing near demonically as they had bright red glowing smiles to fit the image. Tora hissed at them, before they both froze when they heard the sound of something coming from all around them.


Cats everywhere, on the edges of the buildings and coming out of trashcans. The cats completely surrounded them, and Naruto rushed after Tora... before the cats all worked as a unit and started to pounce as one. Naruto and Erza were both covered from head to toe in scratching cats, all of them going for the kill simultaniously. Naruto and Erza were letting out pained yells of shock and humiliation, before Levy dropped into the scene with Fu carrying her, wings out and floating in the air.

"Oh wow, the strongest people I know were taken down by cute little-" Fu started, before there was an explosion and blood splashed on her face. Fu's happy first remained happy, but you could tell it was a forced happiness as she wiped the cat blood off of her face. Naruto and Erza were both decked out in Flame Empress Armor, swords blazing as the cats that survived the blast started to flee.

"Meow!" Tora roared menacingly as the cat stormed at them, claws ablaze, and Levy caught the cat by the waist and looked at Naruto and Erza both with a raised eyebrow.

"All of this... for a cat? Why don't we just set it free in the wild instead of-" Levy started, before blood splashed against her face. Her face froze, and she felt liquid dripping down her hands and onto the ground. She was alsmot afraid to look at the cat in her hands, but she did anyway, and she dropped the now dead cat on the ground with a scream of fright.

Naruto and Erza had chopped the cat into pieces, the head, the torso, and the hind legs, all cut up into neat little pieces laying in a bloody pool on the ground.

"Did we kill the little son of a bitch?" Erza asked with a pissed off look on her face, and Fu looked at the corpse for a second.

"You either killed Tora, or that is THE best 'Play Dead' I have ever seen." Fu commented dully, still not fond of the fact that they were being paid to murder a pet cat. It seemed so bellow her pay for this sort of thing, and it was SO boring as well. Naruto grabbed the skull of the cat, before he raised it in the air and let loose a loud, primal, high pitched shout of pride.

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