Chapter 51 The Start to an Original Arc

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The eating contest... had been as easy as cake.

Which just happened to be one of the things that Naruto had eaten.

He had completely destroyed the competition, who all gaped in horror as they saw a young girl, in their minds, eat through over every single plate, bowl, and side dish that had been placed in front of him. Naruto had his stomach bulging again, only this time he was completely out of his normal armor and in some his pajamas so that the stretchu elastic waist band would fit his stomach better at the moment... until he digested his food an returned back to normal.

Even HE was surprised at how much a ninja body could fit inside of it. He had heard of people pulling swords and spitting up entire large ass weapons from their throats... and some people could eat many times their weight in food.

"What a MAN!" Elfman called out loudly as Naruto rode on his shoulders in comfort. Sure, Elfman had been defeated in the eating contest, but he had gotten second place and that was all that mattered, and he wasn't the type to hold grudges.

"Yes, yes, YES! I so want to kiss you right now!" Cana said as she looked at the luxury tickets in her hands, a large grin on her face as she thought of all the things that she could do when she got to the Akane Resort. First she would hit the gamblers den, and then she would get shit faced on the wine, and then she would go to the pool, and then she would find some total hottie and see if she could get some action while she was there. She didn't want a boyfriend, but it was nice to know that she could get an itch scratched if she wanted to, and not have to deal with them randomly popping up on her.

What? Guys weren't the only people that could have one night stands, sometimes a girl wanted to have sex with no strings attached. As long as she was safe about it, it shouldn't even matter. She wasn't dating, she had no plans to date, and her single lifestyle was something she had no plans on abandoning.

"I might object to that." Levy commented with narrowed eyes.

Yeah, people were going to look at Naruto with perverted eyes, both guys and girls... Naruto was a hottie that confused both genders. She was fine with people window shopping, looking at Naruto, but Naruto was HER boyfriend... girlfriend... girly boyfriend... girlfriend with a penis... she didn't even KNOW anymore.

"You know, I kind of like being up here." Naruto commented from his spot on top of Elfman, being up there made him feel tall. Since everyone else was much taller than him, it felt good to be taller than those around him.

"Hey Elfman, want to come to the Akane Resort with us?" Cana asked with a twinkling eye as she showed the tall man the tickets.

"Sorry Cana, but I made a promise to Mira that I would help her move into her new apartment for as long as she needs the help." Elfman rejected, with Cana shrugging. She just thought that it would be nice for... she was interupted when Naruto suddenly looked straight up. Naruto looked towards the sky, before he noticed that Fuu had started flying overhead for some reason. Naruto raised an eyebrow at this, wondering what Fuu was up to, unless she was just flying because she wanted to fly.

"Okay, weird, anyway... how about you two. You two want to come with me to the Akane Resort?" Cana asked, with Naruto scratching the back of his head awkwardly.

"Actually, I wanted to check out this cake place with Levy." Naruto said with a sorry sound to his voice as he hopped down from Elfman's shoulders and landed on the ground.

"You two can do that after the Akane Resort." Cana told them, with Levy looking at Cana with a smile.

"Yeah, we could, but I got a message from Mira. Naruto is starting to get a reputation because of the resemblance that she and Erza share." Levy started, not even realizing that she had called Naruto a girl when she had said it. "Anyway, Naruto is being taken on a modelling job with Mira since Erza never goes on them. They figured this way they could get Erza, without getting Erza." Levy said as she gestured to Naruto.

"I just like the attention, so being on a magazine is A-okay with me." Naruto said with a thumbs up. So what if he was just asked for because of his uncanny resemblance to Erza, and the amazing fact that he was becoming more like her.

"You are an attention whore?" Cana asked Naruto, who nodded with a proud face.

"I love attention, good or bad! If people noticed me, I'm happy." Naruto said with a thumb touching his now armored chest. He was once again wearing his armor, and the chest area of the armor seemed to have grown as proof that he had recently grown a larger chest as well. That was besides the point though, Naruto always loved attention because of the lack of attention he got as a kid.

"You like bad attention?" Elfman muttered more to himself than anything.

That... didn't sound healthy. That sounded like the attitude that an orphan gained after years of being ignored or abused, somebody that didn't know why they even existed. Even he knew that wasn't anything good... he should tell the Master about this, to see if some kind of counselling could be worked out so that Naruto could get passed this. Fairy Tail really did care about their members, treating them like family, and Naruto was obviously emotionally stunted, with his growth as a person being stunted as a result.

If he liked good and bad attention, he was either a person who loved themselves too much, or he had a bad past and was stunted... he didn't want the second option to be the case, but if it was then Elfman was sure that Naruto would thank him for telling the Master about this, so that something could be worked out.

Even if it was just getting Naruto to talk to somebody about his feelings... oh yes, Elfman had figured out that Naruto was a male considering the fact that he could smell Naruto's pheromones when when he had been sitting on his shoulders. He also didn't think any less of the attractive red head for his body. He could smell the male on him, and because of that he could also tell that whatever changes that had happened to his body were not the result of completely natural causes. He truly smelled like Erza, like parts of her had become parts of him and then progressed into a more full body transformation.

"Wait, Mira makes a lot modelling... hey kiddo, I bet you are going to want to treat Big Sis Cana to a drink when you get back... you know, as your way of saying sorry for-guh!?" Cana coughed out when Levy gave her a tough pat on the back that interupted her train of thought.

"Big Sis Cana... you drunk, I'm not treating you to your addiction." Naruto said as he pushed her off him, a smile on his face.


"Holy crap, your smile is freaking beautiful." Cana said with wide eyes. She had seen Naruto grin, and she had seen soft smiles that made her feel a little sad, but when Naruto pushed her away with a small she was seeing a REAL smile from the younger person.

"Ye-yeah... Na-chan... I'm glad that you and I are dating, I really am." Levy said, and she pouted when Naruto's stern face seemed to fall back into place.

"Naruto, lets go see Mira!" Elfman shouted out as he grabbed the back of Naruto's armor and begun to run full speed towards where Mirajane's apartment was.

Levy and Cana blinked for a moment.

It took Levy another moment, before she realized that her boyfriend had just beend kidnapped.

"Ah... what the hell, couldn't hurt for him to spend time with others." Levy muttered, Naruto needed to spend more time with some male friends anyway... she was pretty sure that Naruto didn't have any boy friends, not to be mistaken with boyfriends. She didn't want him to have any of those, not because she hated gays, she just didn't want her boyfriend to turn gay and leave her.

It would help Naruto grow to have some man friends.

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