Chapter 12 Escape?

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"Where the hell am I?" Naruto asked with narrowed eyes as he looked around. The first thing he noticed was that he was chained up to a wall, and that the room he was in was completely bare of anything other than a few dozen candles around the walls. Naruto had woke up in this location, and he couldn't feel a single ounce of his chakra that he could normally feel an abundance of. Naruto looked at himself, only to realize that he was wearing a prison outfit consisting of a gray jacket and gray sweat pants with his name on them. Naruto raised an eyebrow, before he noticed that he had tags all over his body.

His chakra was being sealed away, and whoever did this was sure that the chains on Naruto would keep him restrained. Naruto yanked on the chains, only to groan in annoyance when he saw that the metal was thicker than his wrists were, and the entire wall he was restrained against was made up of metal.

"They took you to a safe house about five miles away from where they kidnapped you. Sorry I wasn't of more help, but I remember the path they used to carry you here." Erza told him as she appeared before him with crossed arms. Was she angry with Naruto that he had been captured, not in the slightest, Naruto may have her magic, but he wasn't her. He didn't have as much fighting experience, and mistakes like the ones he made were to be expected, and as long as he survived to learn from them then she wouldn't be very angry with him no matter what mistake he made. There was no point in being angry when he would train and not make the same mistake twice.

She would be angry if he made the same mistake three times though, that was just refusing to learn from his mistakes.

"I can't feel my chakra at all... what can you tell me about them?" Naruto asked as he tried to think of a way out of this situation.

"The red head in Tayuya, and the six armed boy is Kidomaru. A guy named Orochimaru wants to experiment on your body and discover this new Bloodline Limit he thinks you have. They had even cancelled an invasion so that you could be captured, studied, and then have your body possessed... by somebody other than me that is." Erza explained to him, a little more awkwardly in the end. Technically Erza was always inside of him because of her magic core being inside of him, thus in a way she was kind of possessing his body as well.

"... Why didn't you just possess my body when I was knocked out?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You were pumped full of drugs. Even if I possessed you, your body would still have been unable to move. I can only control so much before what you body is limited to comes up. If I possessed your drugged body, then it would be the same thing as if I were drugged." Erza told him seriously. If he was just knocked out she could possess him, nothing would keep her from doing that. He was drugged though, meaning that his body still had drugs inside of it keeping her from doing anything.

"So I'm not drugged now... perfect." Naruto said as his body started to glow. Naruto changed the clothes he was wearing now for an armor that would help him out more in this situation. Naruto summoned a pair of red hakama pants with yellow flames at the bottom of the legs. The sides of the pants were open, and the pants were loose, being held up by white bandages around his waist. He wore no metal armor anywhere on his body, and around his chest were bandages that would have been chest wraps if he had breasts, but he didn't, so they were just decoration.

Naruto raised his hand and summoned a sword into his hand, before he jumped up and pressed his feet against the wall so that he was using the force of his muscles to keep his feet off the ground. The sword in his hand was a normal blue handles katana with a 4 foot long blade and foot long handle. It was single edged, and Naruto shoved the tip of the blade into the wall. Naruto jumped and placed his feet at the side of the guard, before he started to stand up again. The creaks of the metal shackles became louder and louder. Naruto summoned two kunai into his hands, before he twisted them and stabbed them between the chain links.

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