Chapter 8 Gifts

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"Heheheheh Chunin Naruto Uzumaki... Chunin Uzumaki... Chunin Naruto." Naruto commented to himself with a grin on his face as he looked at the vase of flowers that had been left for him when he woke from. He had been asleep for an entire two days, and in those two days he had learned through a letter left for him by the Third Hokage that he had been promoted to Chunin for the reason that he had shown not only good leadership, but also strength, planning, and the ability to endure every challenge that had been thrown at him.

Honestly, Naruto had EARNED this promotion.

Better yet, Naruto had been the ONLY person that had been promoted from his year. The irony was not lost on him since nobody expected him to even become a Genin, and here he was as the first in his class to become a Chunin. He was only one of the very few people that had become a Chunin less than a year after becoming a Genin. He only had a few months as a Genin before he had become a Chunin, which in his opinion made him even more awesome than before.

"I am fond of Chunin Uzumaki, it gives you a bigger sense of respect. It shows people respect you." Erza commented to Naruto from next to him. She really couldn't leave his side, but it wasn't like it was completely boring for her. She had used his sleeping body and possessed it so that she could clean his mess of an apartment while he had been asleep. She was still a girl, even if she was rough around the edges, and she did not want to spend her afterlife in some place that smelled like teenage boy. No offense to teenage boys, but most of them were not the most clean of people.

"Chunin Uzumaki, yeah, that has a ring to it." Naruto said as he stood up from his bed. Naruto started to stretch his body out and get rid of some of the stiffness, before he moved around his apartment. Naruto opened his fridge, before he closed it with enough force that it banged loudly, before he summoned his normal armor around himself and summoned the address with Tenten's name on it to his hand. He had almost forgotten that he was suppose to go talk to Tenten, but then he remembered that today was a Friday... Neji was most likely still suffering from heavy chakra exhaustion, and Rock Lee wasn't in any condition to train, leaving only her and her teacher.

They wouldn't be training, unless Guy was spending time with just her training. He wouldn't want to interupt them, so he tried to think of something else he was going to do today while he allowed his Flame Empress Armor to repair from the damage it had suffered. Naruto looked at the armor he was wearing, and then he looked at the Chunin vest that had been left for him under the letter of promotion. Naruto thought about it for a moment, before he grabbed the vest and placed it inside of his Pocket Dimension. He would store away all of his clothes these days, but he needed to go buy some new clothes.

"You know, I bet you would look great with your hair grown out... it would go well with your face." Erza told Naruto as she looked at him. She thought about it for a moment, and even Naruto seemed to think about what he would look like with longer hair. Naruto opened his fridge again, before he got out some stuff so that he could make something besides ramen. Erza had died eating her favorite food, so Naruto would cut back on his own and try to eat a healthier diet from now on. He didn't want to make the same mistake as she had made.

"Yeah, I think I will grow it out... who knows, maybe instead of a tomato, people will call me something cooler... like a red hot habanero or something like that." Naruto said with a chuckle. Erza was nodding as well, having been called a tomato herself, she knew that it was an annoying nickname to have. She started to float around and watched as Naruto got out a small portable grill, before he put some strips of meat in it and some coal, before he lit the coals and a small fire appeared. Naruto started to place the strips of meat on the grill, before he moved the mini drill onto the table. He even added some... vegetables to the drill, despite how he hated them with a passion.

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