Chapter 37 Jinchuriki vs Akatsuki 1

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"Tch, I hate being right." Naruto said as he saw a few explosions over the village of Sunagakure. The buildings were all a brown color, and the village itself was surrounded by a small mountain that circled around the village, with only a few openining for people to get into and out of the village. Naruto saw that some of those opening were destroyed withy smoke coming from them, but at the moment Naruto was flying towards Gaara, who he could see standing on top of a cloud of sand moving through the air as well.

Sand was flying around and chasing after a bird, a large white bird with somebody standing on top of it.

The person standing on top of the large white... clay bird was a man wearing the ame clothes as Itachi and Kisame wore, and he had long blond hair in a ponytail with blue eyes. His left eye had some sort of scanner on it, and he seemed to have mouths on the palms of his hands. Naruto raised an eyebrow, and he remembered that from the Bingo Books that this person was another S-Rank criminal that betrayed his village. Naruto would be sure to remember seeing that uniform now, but he could see that this... Deidara was a user of something explosive. The explosive release possibly, but he wasn't sure.

Naruto saw a flock a small white birds heading towards him, so spinning around he dove right through the cracks in the birds formation. They turned around and started to chase him, alerting Gaara, who had grown over the years, to the fact that a very familiar face was coming towards him. Naruto changed into his Flame Empress Armor mid-air and started to fall down from the air towards Gaara's location, who pointed his palm at Naruto as sand flew towards him. Naruto placed his foot on the sand, before he jumped towards Gaara and landed on the same cloud of sand the his fellow red head.

"Uzumaki Naruto... you haven't aged a day, though your body has... changed." Gaara noted shortly, and Naruto swung his sword and sent a burst of flame towards the white birds that caused them to bubble and explode in a flame filled burst of chakra filled flames. Naruto's flame armor negated any possible damage from the blast, and Gaara's sand protected him from the flames.

"Okay, explain in 10 or less words please." Naruto said to Gaara as he summoned a bow and arrow into his hands and took aim at Deidara from a distance. Releasing the arrow, he wasn't surprised when the man flew out of the way of the arrow.

"There is a group after our kind. They are bad." Gaara explained to Naruto, who nodded to him.

"Got it, need a hand?" Naruto asked with a grin on his face, and Gaara nodded and pushed his hands out with his sand trying to capture and kill Deidara.

"The last time we fought, I tried to kill you." Gaara reminded Naruto with the ghost of a smile on his face. The fond memories of their fight and the things he learned from it having helped him become the person he currently was, instead of the person he used to be.

"Just tell me this... do you have my back?" Naruto asked him with grin growing. Gaara nodded to him, as Deidara flew into their hearing range.

"Both the Kyuubi and Ichibi Jinchuriki, this might be a problem." Deidara stated as he reached into some sort of pouch with his hands before he swung his hands at them and revealed white doves flying towards them. Naruto switched to his Black Wing armor and took off towards the birds, before he noticed a wave of sand following after him. Naruto grinned at this, and trusted Gaara to have his back as the sand circled in front of him and protected him from the birds explosions. Naruto covered his eyes with his hand as he burst through an opening in the sand, before placing his foot on the sand and jumping off to gain more speed.

"I have your back, Uzumaki Naruto!" Gaara called out to him.

"Lets take this guy down!" Naruto yelled back to Gaara, and Deidara pointed his hand at Naruto as a centipede of clay rushed out of the mouth and grew to a great length. Naruto switched to the flame empress armor again and landed on top of the centipede, before he started to run towards Deidara. The man disconnected the centipede from him and it fell towards the grounds, and when it exploded Naruto was tossed higher into the air towards Deidara as he crossed his fingers. Deidara looked at Naruto above him for a moment, before blinking when Naruto grinned as a clone appeared under his feet and two clones appeared close next to him.

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