Chapter 38 Rewarding those that Help

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Virgo Scene: Warning Punishment scene.

"Open the Gate of the Maiden: Virgo." Naruto said as he held out Virgo's key, and he was surprised when she spun out of the ground itself like magic. Naruto raised an eyebrow, while she landed on her feet in front of him. She was saluting him with a serious look in her eye, but you could tell that she was happy to be summoned.

"How may I be of service Princess?" Virgo asked, and Naruto bent down and picked up a box from the ground before hanging it to her.

"These this to Pisces as thanks for helping out in that last battle okay." Naruto told Virgo. Gaara was currently busy checking the affairs and concerns of his village at the moment, assuring the people that there was no trouble. He was also helping clear the paths into the village of the fallen rock, and going over the total death count that his village had suffered from this event. Naruto could understand that, and he would have liked to introduce Gaara to his Celestial Spirits.

"I see... you don't have to reward us for helping you Princess. As contracted spirits, we chose to offer out services to you. We are happy to serve you in and out of battle." Virgo told him with a light and polite bow to him. Naruto waved her off, before he crossed his arms.

"You know, I never thanked you for saving my life. Is there anything that you want?" Naruto asked the spirit with a raised eyebrow, and Virgo looked... excited as her doll-like eyes gained life to them. She stepped forward to Naruto, getting into his personal space, and looked down at him with a smile.

"I would like to be punished." Virgo told him, with Naruto blinking, before he face palmed at the rather strange request and the honest tone that she gave it to him with.

"Oh, just so you know, Virgo is the kind of girl that likes to be punished. Even if she does something right, she prefers to be punished as her reward." Erza informed Naruto, who nodded and looked around the room that Gaara had let him use so that he could get some rest. Naruto nodded a little, before he looked at Virgo with a raised eyebrow.

"Okay, but I will need some robe and a whip." Naruto told her, and the look on her face that he was actually rolling with this was priceless. She lit up with such happiness that she seemed to have a sparkle about her as she glowed. She desummoned herself with a golden glow taking the box with her, before she summoned herself moments later with both the robe and the whip that he had told her he would need. She gave him both items, and he looked at her with wide eyes.

She was fucking serious.

"You know, I have a dominatrix outfit that comes with a special whip. Lucy was never really into giving Virgo what she likes." Erza commented as she placed her hand on the top of Naruto's head and activated the Requip magic by her desire. Naruto's Heart Kreuz armor vanished and it was replaced with something that could barely be called clothes. Naruto looked down at himself as saw that he was wearing something that made even him blush. It was completely black, that only covered the necessary. It consisted of a black top that only covered his chest, with a two straps. One to go around his back like a bra, with the cloth being held together by a ring in the middle of his chest. It had a stretch of black fabric go down to the revealing black latex thing and connected to it with hooks, with the thin sides of the panties pressing into his hips.

His wore black latex arm cloth and wore high heeled black boots that went up to his knees. His hair was wavy at the moment and in a high ponytail, while in his hands was a black whip with multiple extensions to it. Naruto twitched and felt behind him, and noted that pretty much his entire butt on on display... no, his entire butt WAS on display.

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