~chapter six~

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Josie's p.o.v:
Blair pulls up outside the flat.
I jump out and so does ginger.
Me: I don't want to do this...
Ginger laughs: it's not like you did something illegal or evil. You got drunk! He will get over it!
I sigh: I guess your right.
We slowly walk up to that flat and she knocks on the door.
Andy: who is it?
Ginger: it's ginger and Josie...
The door opens and Andy stares at me.
Me: what?!
Andy shakes his head and gestures for me to walk in. I do.
I keep my head down and try not to look at anyone.
Liv: Jose...
I look up and she smiles. I just blink at her. I know rye is going to shout at me so I was preparing myself.
Liv: you survived then?
That made me laugh. I look at her and smile. And then I see rye. He drags me into his room and slams the door.
Rye: Josie what the hell!
I just look at the ground... he's building to something big I can feel it.
Rye: you are literally out of control... what's gotten into you? It's like I don't even know my own sister anymore...
I interrupt: that's because you don't!
Rye: seriously? Your gonna say that!
I nod: it's the truth rye and you know it!
Rye: it's been six months since I last saw you! You can't have changed that much Josie your just making excuses!
I laugh
Me: yeah I am the one making excuses! So let me think... the last time I saw you wasn't six months ago! I wasn't home for Christmas you idiot and because of time zones you guys didn't call! And actually I have changed a lot in the last NINE months, I could have had a baby in that time! Rye, I don't feel like I am apart of this family anymore let alone your sister! So yeah maybe you don't know me! But I don't want you to! So we are all good!
Rye: Josie stop! You are pathetic!
I scoff: maybe I am! And I am okay with that! Cos I let everyone down! I am used to it! You have no clue what has happened to me rye! And trust me you won't care even if I told you! You make me feel unwanted and unworthy. Maybe I should take the hint and just leave this place!
I walk over to the door holding back tears I could tell the last part got him. I open the door and see everyone standing outside I laugh.
Of course they were listening. Great!
I push past them all and go into jacks room closing the door and moving a chair so no one could open the door.
I sit on the end of my bed and sigh.
I hear a knock at the door.
Jack: uh Josie... I won't try ask what's going on cos I know you hate me and everything but I left my phone in the room...
I roll my eyes and pick up his phone
I walk towards the door.
Jacks p.o.v:
Josie slides my phone under the gap between the door and the floor. I hear her sigh and walk away. I am gonna regret this.
Me: Josie...
Josie: just leave! You have your phone so go!
I laugh: Josie come on open up... it's my room! That kinda means I am meant to be the only one who gets to sulk in it...
The door creeks open and I walk in. She puts the chair back against the door and goes back to sit at the end of the blow up bed. She's been crying I can tell.
Me: Jose...
She turns her head slightly but doesn't say anything.
Me: Josie jump...
She shakes her head: no!
I laugh and go sit next to her. She shuffles along so there is a bigger space between us.
Me: I know you hate me and your sad at the moment but can we talk?
She scoffs
Josie: humm let me think? Am already crying so why not make me even more angry and upset!
Me: please...
She looks at me and shakes her head
Josie: fine... why did you do it?
Me: wow okay straight into it then...
She nods: answer it... why did you do that to me...
Me: Josie...
Josie: yeah didn't think you would want to answer it! So let's go back to sitting in silence!
Me: I...I don't know why I did it Josie alright! It just happened!
She looks at me
Josie: what kissing another girl just happens... after telling me you loved me! After telling me you would wait! You know your mouth just kinda slipped into hers and it just happened!!
That's why I fell in love with her in the first place... a sarcastic little child even when she is angry...
Me: of course not... I just... I mean...
Josie: jack I really couldn't care less why you did it... to be honest you saved me from dating you... which I mean...
I scowl: what's wrong with dating me!
Josie laughs: really your asking that... cos it's not like your the one that kissed and hooked up with another girl a day after you asked me out and the day before I left for uni.... noooo...
I paused.
She gets up and walks to the other side of the room.
Me: Josie... I love you....
Josie laughs: lies...
Me: Josie... please sit back down
She looks at me and frowns
Josie: is little Jack Jack lonely... oh no what a shame... why don't you go to your girlfriends house... go on...
She faces the wall again
I scowl. Definitely going to regret this.
I get up and walk over to her, grab her waist and spin her around. She doesn't say anything but she scowls at me. I put my hands on her neck and kiss her. She doesn't kiss back straight away but when I pull away she does.
I don't regret it...

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