~chapter twenty two~

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Josie's p.o.v:
I close the door and sigh, walking back into the kitchen. I don't want to look outside to see if he is still there, and at this point I really couldn't care. As I walk into the kitchen Sammy and Shaun look up at me with chocolate all around their mouths and all the plates completely clean. I chuckle.
Me: were they that good?
Sammy: you know you make the best pancakes!
Shaun smiles sheepishly: so what happened... I heard shouting?
I roll my eyes and cross my arms: none of your business Shaun!
He looks at the floor and I sigh: god I love you too! You know that... right?
They both nod.
Sammy: why wouldn't we? You tell us every day!
I laugh
Shaun: but we love you more!
I look at them both, as they come running at me and tackle me to the floor. I wrap my arms around them and hold them tight.
Me: go get cleaned up before mum gets back! And then we will go out? Sound fun?
They both nod and run to the bathroom.
Three weeks later:
Ryes p.o.v:
It's been three weeks since Josie left and two weeks and six days since jack went and "had his heart broken" by her, she hasn't responded to any of my calls or anyone else's. she isn't messaging anyone and is hardly active on her social media, she has posted a few photos of her and the twins and some with her friends, but she isn't responding to any comments. Harvey and jack are still not talking and the rest of the boys don't know how to act around them.
Andy: RYE!
I roll my eyes: what?
Andy: I am sick of this! Just go see her! She can't send you away it's your house too!
I sigh: really I had no clue Andy!
He laughs: why don't you go?
Me: I don't know... she needs more time...
I cross my arms: calm down Andy!
He shakes his head: NO! She is the reason none of us are talking and that the apartment used to have eleven people living in it and now it has six!
I scowl: thats not her fault! The girls never actually lived here! And they only left for a few weeks to get a way from everything because they are all Josie's friends and found it awkward when HARVEY kept asking them to call her!
Andy: okay... okay.... just please talk to her!
I nod: fine.
Andy walks out of the room and I sigh
God Josie! Why did you have to do this?
I grab my coat and run over to Mikey: Liv has a car right?
He nods: yeah! Why?
Me: I am going home and need someone to take me!
Mikey rolls his eyes and sighs: I mean does Josie want to see you?
I shrug: I don't know! But I don't care... she is tearing the band apart...
Mikey sighs again and takes out his phone.
A few minutes later he looks at me and shakes his head: she said she can't drive you, but I am on the insurance so I can drive you there...
I nod: alright let's go then!
Mikey puts on his coat and grabs the spare keys.
I shout as we are closing the door: we are going out for the day I don't know when we will be back!
I hear a chorus of groans in response and I close the door. It's about a five minute walk to livs place, Mikey keeps checking his phone and then looking at me. I stop.
Mikey: what...
I scowl: why do you keep looking at me?
Mikey: I don't know...
He seems upsets so I put my arm around him: what's up with you...
Mikey: Liv...
Me: what about her...
Mikey: I don't know... she is really distant and when I was on the phone to her there was another boy with her...
I shake my head: you think she is cheating...
Mikey: NO! Maybe... I don't know....
I pull him in for a hug: but you don't know for sure...
Mikey: no I don't know! I have told you everything I know!
Me: I know.... right let's go!
He nods and we get in the car.
The car ride there is pretty quiet other then the occasional sigh from Mikey. I felt really bad for him but I was to focused on seeing my sister then anything else. I finally look at him and smile: are you sure you want to do this?
He nods: why wouldn't I be?
I shrug: I wanted to know... because...
Mikey cuts me off: I am fine!
Me: okay, okay!
I look back at the floor, and then hear some sniffles and look up to see Mikey wiping his eyes.
Mikey notices and scowls: just fine...
Me: I didn't say anything...
He sighs and I look at the ground. I can't stand the silence anymore so put on the radio.
The rest of the Journey is just the radio and humming of the engine.
Josie's p.o.v:
Nothing really has happened since I have got home, most days I have helped mum prepare dinner taken the boys to some of there 'activities' and gone to meet some of my friends, I have missed them all so much and completely forgot what they were like, they are so different to rye and his friends, don't get me wrong I love the boys... or I love some of them at least and I miss my girls back in slough, but being back home reminded me of how much I have changed and how much I missed being here all the time.
I get woken up by Sammy jumping on the sofa and screaming at me.
Sammy: Josie! Josie! Wake up!
I grunt: what!!
Sammy: it's your birthday!!
I laugh and roll over: no Sammy... no your wrong there... wait another month or so and then your right!
Sammy giggles and then sits next to me: okay... so I woke up early and have nothing to do or eat...
He smiles and I roll my eyes leaning on my arms: so you want me to get up and make you food?
He nods: please!
I sigh heavily: fine.
I get up still in my joggers and T-shirt from my 'lazy day' yesterday. I throw my hair up into a ponytail and put on an oversized hoodie. I hobble into the kitchen and Sammy follows. He is still in his pajamas, he has his dressing gown on with his hood up hiding half of his face. I turn on the oven and turn to look at him.
Me: what do you want?
Sammy: anything!
Me: I'm hungry... how about a full English?
He nods violently: yes!!
I put four eggs into a frying pan, four bacon rashers on the grill and four more sausages into a different pan. I pause.
Me: you like beans right?
Sammy nods: but we don't have any...
I cross my arms and sigh: of course we have everything except the beans.... hash browns?
Sammy: yep! I will get them!
He runs to the freezer and pulls out a box of them grabbing four of the six. I put them on a tray and put them in the oven setting a timer for ten minutes. After about five the bacon, eggs and sausages are done so I get two plates and split them evenly, they cool down and then the timer beeps. I pull out the hash browns and put them onto the plates, placing one in front of Sammy and the other next to me.
Me: dig in... you want juice?
Sammy shakes his head: no just water please...
I nod and pour him a drink getting myself some orange juice.
Sammy is finished before me and runs to the sink with his dishes placing them in and running the water, before he runs off upstairs.
Sammy: I am going to get ready!
Me: for what?
Sammy: I want to play tennis!
Me: with who?
Sammy rolls his eyes: you!
Me: fine...
I quickly finish my food and place the dishes into the sink. I then run into my room and find my old 'work out' clothes, just an oversized T-shirt that used to be ryes but I stole it because i looked cute in it, and some running leggings. I put my trainers on and brush my hair again putting it into a bun. I quickly clean my teeth and walk back into the kitchen where Sammy is sitting waiting for me, I smile.
Me: I just need to wash up and then we will go....
I look at the sink and the plates are gone.
Sammy smiles: I already did them.
I ruffle his hair: aww thanks buddy!
He scrunches up his face and I laugh: right let's go!
We both run out onto the court behind the house and start playing. Sammy isn't really competitive with me, he likes to rally and get better at actually hitting the ball, which I don't mind because it means I don't have to move that much. After about an hour of hitting the ball back and forth mum walks out and smiles at us both.
Mum: you two having fun?
Sammy nods out of breath: yep!
I run up to the house: what time is it?
She looks at her watch: half eleven! What time did you wake up?
I sigh: he woke me up at half nine!
Her eyes widen: has he had breakfast?
I nod and Sammy comes up behind me smiling.
Sammy: she made me a full English!
Mum smiles: well aren't you lucky! I would have made you have cereal!
I laugh: I ate some too!
Mum nods: good!
I nod and walk in: I am going for a shower!
Mum: okay don't be long though! Me and the boys are going out! You want to come with us?
I shake my head as I grab a bottle of water from the fridge and down it: no I'll stay home for a bit!
Mum nods and I walk into the bathroom.
After about ten minutes in the shower I get out and wrap the towel around me... luckily my old room has a bathroom right next to it so I can do a runner into my room and close the door before anybody sees. I close the door leaning on it slightly and sigh before grabbing some blue high waisted "mom" jeans, a crop top and a old zip up hoodie. I throw the clothes on and then start to dry and straighten my hair. I hear I slight knock before my mum slowly opens the door.
Mum: we are going! Your by yourself...
I roll my eyes: mum I am nineteen you don't need to worry about me!
Mum: doesn't mean I won't!
I nod: I know! When will you be back?
Mum: around half three...
I look at my phone 12:15pm. I look at her and smile: okay... text me when you are coming back so I can kick everyone out!
Mum laughs before leaving the room. I hear the door shut, then lock and the car pull out of the drive way. I look out of my window to make sure they have gone and then walk into the hall way. I have my hair brush in my hand still. I walk close enough to mums new google home and smile.
Me: hey google play Josie's feel good play list
The device responds: okay playing 'Josie's feel good play list' now!
The first song to come on it Galway girl by ed Sheeran. I start running around the house jumping on the sofas and pretending my hair brush is a microphone, I wip my hair around letting it naturally dry into beach waves.
The play list repeats itself meaning I have been dancing for well over half an hour but I don't really care. I am so out of it that I don't hear the door open and see Mikey or rye standing there until I hear: hey google, pause the music!
I turn around and see Mikey standing there with a massive grin on his face and rye scowling in confusion. I smile shyly.
Me: hey...
Rye: hey...
Mikey: hey...
I smile and then Mikey opens his arms and I run straight into them burying my face into his chest. He kisses the back of my head.
I whisper: I missed you!
He chuckles: really cos it looked like you were having a lot of fun with out us!
I slap his chest and giggle. Before turning to rye and hugging him. He hugs back holding me tight before I pull away.
Me: so why are you here...

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