~ chapter twenty three~

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Mikey's p.o.v:
Rye opens the door and just stands still. I peer my head round the door and immediately my mood changes, I see Josie running around in the hallway with a hair brush singing along with the song. We both stand there for a few seconds before I decide to do something.
Me: hey google, pause the music!
Josie looks around and her eyes lock on me. She smiles sheepishly.
Josie: hey...
Rye: hey...
Me: hey...
I open my arms, she runs into them.
Josie: I missed you!
I laugh: really cos it looked like you were having a lot of fun with out us!
She slaps my chest and giggles. Before turning to rye and hugging him.
Josie: so why are you here...
I hear rye sigh and I just smile at her sympathetically knowing what rye was going to say.
Rye: Josie... you know we love you....
Josie just nods and walks over into the kitchen sitting down. I stand awkwardly behind rye as he carries on.
Rye: ... I just want to know... what the hell you were thinking?!
Josie chokes on the air and coughs: what I was thinking?!
Rye nods: yes! You! Josie you left without telling me... you practically cheated on Harvey with jack... and then you hurt jack when he came to sort things out...
Josie rolls her eyes: gee... I have no clue what I was thinking alright rye... I have no clue... maybe I was thinking that for once! Just for once when I came back from America things would turn out different for me! But I guess like how everything likes to turn out for me... I was wrong!
Rye crosses his arms and I raise my eye brows.
Me: Jose... what do you mean...
Josie stares at me blankly: god! I always have to explain myself! I never just get to do something for doing it! Rye joins a band! I start to have feelings for a boy and he cheats on me... and that becomes my fault! I go to university and get into some really bad situations! And somehow it's my fault! I come home and jack tries to make things better with me! That backfired and becomes MY FAULT! Then Harvey and me start dating! But oh no god couldn't possibly let me have that! And so jack kisses me and tells Harvey that I did it! So once again it becomes my fault! And now I am sitting here taking full blame for everything because! Can you guess! You guys think ITS ALL MY FAULT!
I look at her and then back at rye. Rye doesn't say anything he just stands there. Josie is close to tears and has her head in her hands.
Josie: you think I asked for all this! You think I wanted this to happen? Fuck! I didn't want for my brother to become famous! I didn't want to loose him! Yet I did...
Rye gulps: you haven't lost me...
Josie shakes her head: of course I haven't but Sammy and Shaun practically have... they see you four times a year and are to young to travel to see you on there own.... I didn't ask to fall victim and become pregnant! Yet I did! And when the last thing I wanted to do was loose the child! I did! Okay god just has it out for me! He doesn't want me to be happy!
I walk over to her and crouch down putting my hands on her knees, she looks at me and blinks holding back tears.
Josie: Mikey don't even pretend like you care! Because sooner or later something will happen to make you hate me! I can't stand to loose one more person!
She looks at rye and then sighs: thats why I did it... that's why I left! That's "what the hell" I was thinking! I don't want to hurt anyone else... you guys can go back to the flat and tell everyone I am sorry! Tell everyone I made mistakes and tell everyone that I done trying to make everything better! Because I clearly can't!
I look at her and wipe away the tears from her cheek. She half heartedly smiles.
Me: don't give up just yet...
She shakes her head: why should I try when nobody trusts me! I can't make anything better if nobody trusts me...
Rye is still standing there not saying anything.
Josie p.o.v:
It feels weird saying what I have said. I can't take it back now though and now Mikey and rye know the truth I guess. A stream of hot tears are running down my face and mike keeps wiping them away. Rye has stayed still since we got into the kitchen.
Me: rye...
Rye shakes his head: yeah...
Me: you okay...
Rye nods: I need some fresh air...
I nod and so does Mikey. Rye plods out of the kitchen leaving me and Mikey alone. He smiles and walks to the sink.
I sigh: sorry...
Mikey turns round: for what...
Me: I don't actually know anymore...
Mikey smiles: Josie! You have done nothing wrong...
I laugh: did you not hear my whole rant about what I have done wrong!?
Mikey sighs: but like you said it becomes your fault! It isn't though...
I smile at him: how do you know?
Mikey: because I trust you!
I get up and run up to him hugging him tight: thank you...
Mikey sighs: welcome to the misery club...
I smile: what...
Mikey: you'll see...

Boom that's the end of trust guys 💞
Hope you enjoyed it 💞
Don't worry though! Because a new book is coming soon! I don't know if it will be a second book in this 'series' or a completely new story line 💞💞
Don't forget to vote 💞
And tell me what your favorite part of this book was!
A prologue to the next book will be coming soon in here 💞💞

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