~chapter twenty~

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Andy's p.o.v:
It's been about 20 minuets since Josie has left with Jess. The house is really quiet. Mikey, brook, rye, Liv and Amelia are in the kitchen watching tv, god knows what. Ellie is still fast asleep in Rye's room, where Harvey is, and Jack hasn't moved since I last went in to get Josie's purse. I have just been sitting in the hall on my phone. Slowly Rye's door opens and Harv walks out, his eyes are puffy and red, he is shaking and has a tissue in his hand. He is frantically looking around and then spots me on the floor, he slides down next to me.
Harvey: where is Josie?
Me: who is asking?
Harvey rolls his eyes: her boyfriend!
Me: last time I checked with her... she was single...
Harvey looks at the floor: when was that?
I look at my wrist pretending to look at a watch: about 30 minuets ago...
Harvey: shit...
he starts to tear up
Harvey: where is she?
I look at him and shake my head: she is gone...
Harvey: what do you mean?!
Me: I mean she isn't here anymore... she has left...
Harvey shakes his head: no! You're lying!
Me: I am not Harv!
A tear runs down his face: why?
Me: she didn't want to stay anymore...
Harvey: I made a mistake though... I need to tell her!
Me: I don't think she will listen at the moment...
Harvey looks at me with his eyes full with pain and tears rolling down his face: I love her...
I nod my head: I know...
Harvey: I made a big mistake...
I smile sympathetically: I know...
Harvey: tell me the truth... do you think it's that bad...
I nod: Harv... it's hard okay... relationships are... but you made a huge mistake... a massive one... I don't know what to tell you..
He shakes his head: do you think she will take me back?
I shake my head: I can't answer that...
He nods and I stand up. I give him my hand for him to get up but he just sits there staring at the floor. I walk into Jacks room. He has his headphones in. I know it's not my job to tell him what he has done, but I am the oldest in the flat, so I feel like I have some responsibility. I sit at the edge of his bed and he looks up from his phone, he shuffles till he is sat next to me.
Jack: what's up?
Me: you fucked up...
Jack shakes his head: is that all? Because I know...
Me: no! You have really overdone it this time Jack...
Jack: I know! Don't you think I know that Andy! I saw her face! I saw the pain! I heard the argument! That's why I put my headphones in I couldn't deal with it anymore! I really fucked up! I admit it! Okay?
I shake my head: not this time! You admitting what you have done! Won't change what has happened!
He nods: I fucking know that!
I look at him: she has gone...
He scowls: what do you mean?!
Me: she's left... she's not coming back today or tomorrow... and I don't expect her too!
Jack: what! Where is she going?
Me: that's for her to know...
Jack: who took her...
Me: Jess...
I stand up: I can't force her to stay in a place she isn't comfortable in! Jack! For once think about what you are going to say and do next! Okay?!
He nods but doesn't say anything. As I leave the room he sighs
Jack: Andy?
I turn around: yeah?
Jack: I fucked everything up didn't I?!
I nod: we already established that...
Jack: I know! But I mean! Worse then usual!
Me: yes...
Jack: okay... alright... thanks Andy...
I can tell he is wanting to say something else but doesn't. I just nod and walk out the room.
Jess's p.o.v:
The car ride is pretty much silent other then the radio and the constant chimes coming from Josie's phone.
Me: are you going to answer that?
She shakes her head: no... I know who it will be... what they will say... and I am not falling for them again...
I nod: okay...
We sit in silence again I can hear Josie humming to the song on the radio. And I giggle.
Josie: what?
Me: nothing...
I laugh and she looks at me rolling her eyes playfully: Jess what is it!
Me: nothing... I just find it funny... you are trying to be upset and yet you can't help but hum along to the song...
Josie half heartedly grins: what! It's a good song!
Me: it is... ed Sheehan is a great singer...
She nods: shame...
I tilt my head: what do you mean?
Josie: I mean it's a shame... it's a shame that I can't tell him I love his songs... it's a shame that I can't tell him what he has helped me though... that's what I mean...
I nod.
Josie: Jess?
Me: yes...
Josie: I am making the right choice right...
Me: with what?
Josie: going home... breaking up with Harvey... and everything with Jack... I am making the right choice?
I smile; I can't tell you the answer to that Jose... you're gonna have to figure that one out yourself...
Josie: but I don't want to...
I nod: I know... but hey if you miss us that much... you can always come back!
Josie: can I though....
Me: of course! Just because Harvey and Jack are bitches and can't see how absolutely amazing you are! Doesn't mean the rest of us suddenly hate you!
She smiles: I love you Jess!
Me: I love you too babs!
I say as we round the corner. Josie hops out and I get out walking around to the front of the car.
Me: I am only a call away okay!!
She nods: I'm going to miss you!
Me: I'm going to miss you too!
She hugs me and then walks up the drive and disappears into the house.
I text Andy-
Me: she's gone 😢xx
Andypandy❣️: aww babe... see you soon right!? Xx
Me: right! In a bit babe! Xx
Andypandy❣️: in a bit xx

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