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Opening the front door, I sigh heavily as Mama Jen stands before me, grinning sympathetically.

"I'm sorry honey." she says.

I shake my head. "Don't be sorry at all. You're goddaughter is important. Kids, come inside, go into the living room."

Kameron and Elena make their way inside while I grab Brayden.

"Go see your goddaughter." I tell her, smiling softly.

"Thank you honey." she tells me, immediately walking off as I close the door.

"Alright!" I call out, entering the living room to see the kids sitting on the floor. "Let's go get baths. Who's first?"

"Brayden!" Kameron says, giggling.

I roll my eyes. "Fine. Brayden will go first since he's gotta go to bed. Aileen, will you put a movie on for them to start? We'll finish it after baths."

"Yay!" Kameron cheers, making Elena do the same, copying him.

After giving all three kids their baths, putting Brayden down immediately after his, I walk into the living room with the two older ones, sighing as I plop onto the couch.

"Where are we sleeping tonight, mommy?" Kameron asks, looking at me.

"You and Lena are gonna sleep with mommy since you don't have beds here."

"Yay!" he cheers.

"Let's finish this movie so we can go night night." I tell them, pressing play on the remote and turning to Aileen. "You don't have to stay. I'm sorry."

She grins, shrugging. "It's cute seeing how much they love you."

I grin, looking down at the kids fully taken by the movie. "Yeah, I guess I never really realized how much they've been depending on me."

"Crazy, huh?" Aileen says, watching me as I look over, raising my brows in question. "The fact that you came into their lives and they attached themselves to you and lean on you for support. It's kind of crazy... in a good way."

I nod, grinning. "Yeah. I mean, I just never realized really how much they actually attached themselves to me. I know they love me and that I kind of play the figure of their mother since theirs isn't around." I shrug.

Once the movie is done, I tell the kids to go into my room, causing them to run in and jump on the bed while I tell Aileen goodnight and enter the room a moment later.

"Alright guys. Kam, go to the potty. Elena come here so I can change your diaper." I tell her.

Kameron runs to my small bathroom, getting on the potty while I change Elena's diaper and tell her to lay down. I then help Kameron wipe and tell him to get in bed, which he does immediately. Plugging in a night light, I turn off the lights and lay in bed with the two of them, kissing their heads.

"Goodnight babies. Let's go night night."

Soon enough, I hear Kameron's soft snores and Elena's body becomes heavy as she sleeps as well. Smiling to myself, fall asleep quickly, exhausted from the whirlwind of today.


The next morning, I'm shaken awake, looking up to see Aileen looking down at me slightly frightened.

"What's wrong?" I groan, noticing the kids are still beside me and it's only five in the morning.

"Someone's banging on the door yelling your name." she whispers.

Confused, I get up carefully from the bed and walk out of the room, redoing my hair in a ponytail as I walk to the front door.

"I know you're in there, Elianna!" the voice yells and I immediately know who it belongs to.

Road to Mrs. Bieber | Book 2 of 3 | A Justin Bieber Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now