¤ Chapter 13: A Rainy Day ¤

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"Eren, be a good boy and listen to Krista. I'll be back before you know, sweetheart. Okay, bye."

"It's the third time you call him after we left."

(y/n) put the mobile phone in her handbag and turned her head to the person beside her, "So what? I can talk to my son as many times as I want. Besides, I'm worried about him. He never stayed away from me." A worried sigh left her lips.

Her companion glanced at her once from the road ahead before replying, "He would be fine with Krista. So stop worrying. It would be better if you to concentrate on the project you're working."

She leaned back on her seat and nodded slightly. (y/n) and Levi was going to the Rose City for business purpose.

Levi had to sign some deals with few medium enterprises of Rose City and to overview the work in progress in the branch of Ackerman's Corporation in that city. (y/n) had an assignment in the Rose City branch of the financial company she was working. Though she had another reason to came there, but that should remain in dark she thought.

Rose City was thirty miles west to Trost City. Levi often came to Rose City for business purpose. So he knew the metropolitan like the palm of his hand. On the other hand, it the first time (y/n) came to this metropolis. When Levi heard that, he suggested her to come with him.

Of course, she accepted his proposal without a second thought. Levi and (y/n) had to stay in Rose City for six and four days respectively. So they left Eren in Krista's care before they set off for Rose City.

It was about one hour they left for their destination and now their car was crossing a bridge connected Rose with the Pearl City, which was the neighbouring metropolis of Trost. (y/n) was staring out of the window, her mind drifted to some random thoughts.

"(y/n), tell the name of your hotel. I'll drop you there." Levi said breaking the silence.

His voice brought her back from her daydreams to reality, and she looked at him before replying, "It's the Olive Mirror Hotel."

"What did you say?" Levi whipped his head towards (y/n) to hear the name of the hotel. "Why did you choose that hotel?"

"I did not book a room there, Isabel did." She raised a brow and asked,

"What's wrong about that hotel?"

Levi let out an exasperated sigh.

"Didn't you find anyone else other than Isabel to book a room? The Olive Mirror Hotel is on the north side of the city and your company's branch is in the south. This city is infamous for its traffic jam, and I can guarantee you that it will take you about two hours to reach your company's branch from the hotel in office hour."

"If Isabel knew about that then why she booked my room there?"

"Because it's the same hotel where she booked my room also. She probably thought we are going to the same city, so we should stay together. I should have asked that idiot earlier."


The Olive Mirror Hotel was on the bank of Linroot river which flowed from the north-east to west. The river-side hotel was one of the most luxurious in the city and whenever Levi come to Rose City he stayed in that hotel.

Their room was on the twentieth floor, and to (y/n) the huge room did look like a guest suite in a palace. The suite had two bedrooms, a drawing room from where one could enjoy fantastic views of Rose City's skyline, dotted with modern and unique architecture.

Taking her luggage, (y/n) came to her bedroom. The room was like a perfect magazine cover; the walls were cream and the polished floor was dark brown coloured. There were a king-sized bed, a walk-in closet and a dressing table, a couch and coffee table, a writing desk and a television.

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