¤ Chapter 3: Home ¤

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'What the hell is this?' (y/n) asked herself staring at a now opened neatly organized kitchen cabinet in the wall.

There were about twelve types of tea blend containers on the two selves of the cabinet and most of the blends were unknown to her.
She opened another cabinet and found some beautiful tea cups were stored there.

'This guy really fancy about tea! Does he live on only tea?' But her thoughts were soon cut off by Eren.

He was tugging her pants with a questioning look. She looked down at him & then back to the cabinet. 'Lets see if I can find something to make breakfast?'

She searched other cabinets and found some ingredients to make the breakfast. As she started to make the breakfast, she remembered the words of her husband said last night.

"If you want to stay in this house then learn how to clean. And don't make too much noise. If I find things untidy and messy then be ready for the consequences. Am I clear?"

'I wonder if it's a home or a military camp! It feels like I and Eren are two poor cadets and Levi is not my newly-wed husband, but a grumpy clean freak commander! And he was beyond furious to know that his uncle allowed me to meet with Eren before this marriage.' She laughed in her mind.

But her cheery mood vanished as she also remembered what he said after that.

"Let me clear one thing. You two are my family just by name. Do whatever you want to do with the brat, but don't try to involve me. I neither wish to make any bond with him nor with you, woman."

On the very first day at her new home, Levi made it clear what was Eren & her place in his life.
And when Levi said those his eyes expressed something more than coldness — they expressed hostility, which (y/n) noticed at once.
He even refused to share his room with her.

She heard from Hanji that Levi's ex-live-in partner & Eren's mother Natalie left Eren to his father when he was just a two months baby.

Levi never told anyone why she left him and no one saw her since then. After that incident, Levi gave his son to Kenny and never went to meet Eren once in the past two years.

'The wound in his mind may be still green, that's why he acted so hostile against Eren. He shouldn't do this to his own son -'

(y/n)'s train of thoughts were interrupted by Eren again.

"Mommy mommy.. me hungry." the three-year-old toddler said pointing at his tummy.

(y/n) turned towards her son who was sitting on a high chair and said, "I'm almost done, sweetie. Just give me a minute."

(y/n) made some pancakes, omelettes and egg sandwich. She wasn't fond of tea, so she made some coffee for herself.

She went to the tea stored cabinet again & trying to think what blend she should use to make tea. (y/n) took a light turquoise coloured small rectangle box which was labelled as 'Smoky Earl Grey'.

'Okay then... Let's make tea with this today.'

After making the tea, she started to set the table. Eren's face brighten up to see the maple syrup covered pancakes.

"Baby, eat this like a good boy. Eat slowly," she said and went to Levi's room to call him for breakfast.

She didn't have to go to his room. (y/n) found him in the living room talking to someone on his phone. He ended his call and turned around to find his wife was standing behind him.

"Good morning, Levi. I make the breakfast. Please, com-"

"I don't have time for that shit now." He said looking at his phone.

(y/n)'s eyes twitched to hear that. She went near to him & snatched his phone. Levi glared daggers at her.

"Give me back my phone. Now." He tried to take his phone from her.

"No. First, eat your breakfast then I'll give you your phone." (y/n) stated sternly.

"Didn't I told you I don't have time for your fucking breakfast?"

"Stop yelling, Levi. I don't know how you lived your life until yesterday. But from today you have to change that lifestyle. You have a family now."

"I don't have time for your shitty lecture. Give that back."

"Have your breakfast first otherwise say goodbye to your precious phone." (y/n) said with a smirk.

Levi clenched his fists and stomped to the kitchen-cum-dining room. But before he exited (y/n) warned him, "Don't you dare to use that slang in front of Eren."

(y/n) served breakfast to Levi and then placed a cup of tea beside his plate.

"Do you like the pancakes, baby?" she asked Eren sweetly. By that time Eren already finished half of the pancakes on his plate.

He smeared maple syrup around his mouth, some were on his cheeks and his hands.

He gave his mother a toothy grin and said, "It yum-yum!"

"I know you'll like it." She smiled warmly and took a napkin and cleaned his hands and face. "Didn't I told you to eat slowly? Now finish it."

Levi's eyes twitched in disgust. "Filthy." He muttered lowly.

"Did you say something?"


"So how is the breakfast?" She asked with a smile.

"Hardly edible," Levi answered monotonously.

'Damn bastard.'

Levi took the cup and hold it in front of his lips for a few seconds then took a small sip. And he immediately placed down the cup on the saucer and looked at (y/n) with a scowl on his face.

"What is this? I think poison has more taste than this damn tea." He growled in a low tone.

"Sorry for the mistake. Do you want some coffee, Levi?" She faked a smile.

"No. Next time don't make tea for me. I don't want to start my day with this horrible excuse of tea."

'Next time I'll give you poison to taste.' "Yeah..yeah." She rolled her eyes at his comment.

"Now give my phone back." He stretched his hands towards (y/n). But before she could give him his phone back she noticed something missing on his left hand.

"Levi, where is your wedding ring?" she asked pointing at his left hand's ring finger.

Levi took his phone from (y/n)'s hand and stood up from his seat, "Wedding ring? Are we really married? For me, we are not. And don't forget it's just a contract between us & nothing else."

He didn't wait for her response and walked out of the room.

'You're right, Levi. It's just a contract between us. An unwanted contract between two strangers.'

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